Cahuilla Traditional Cache
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This cache is in Palm Springs and is a fairly easy hike from South
Palm Canyon Drive up Cahuilla Canyon.
Even though it's within the city limits this is not an urban cache.
You start out going along a flood control dike but then you kind of
pick and choose your own route. There is no real trail to the cache
and there is a bit of a steep climb to get up on the bluff where
it's hidden. Still, it will only take you about 40 minutes to reach
from paved road. Cache is under a large boulder among a fairly
prominent outcropping. Take time to notice the small palm oasis
that is north-west of the cache site. Please re-hide the cache with
some rocks so it's out of direct sight. This was my second cache
hide. Visit my cache page for more info and pictures... [This cache information may
be used/copied/distributed freely for any purpose whatsoever
without prior consent of the cache owner.]
Additional Hints
Sbyybj gur fbhgu fvqr bs gur sybbq pbageby punaary gb gur raq, gura sbyybj genvy gb A33 46.712 J116 33.284, gura pyvzo evqtr gb gur abegu naq sbyybj urnqvat gb pnpur ybpngvba. Guvf vf zhpu rnfvre nccebnpu guna gelvat gb znxr qverpg ebhgr gb pnpur.