MKBW Grey - BONUS Cache!
The Milton Keynes Boundary Walk is a circular walk approximately 65 miles long around the boundary of the Milton Keynes Unitary Authority; it is waymarked with the Oakleaf symbol.
In 2012 a group a local geocachers divided the walk into sections and set a series of over 300 caches along the boundary.
More information about the walk and caches can be found at the website Caching the Boundary.
The grey section of the walk is approximately 11 miles long and starts in Turvey and ends in Salford.
There are 45 caches in this section (plus a Bonus). The caches nearest the bonus contain information on how to find the bonus.
This one is a regular container.
Don't forget to note the information for the super Golden bonus cache!
Bring your own pen... don't leave home without one and... carry spares.