Souradnice |
Indicie |
Text |
N 50° 53.460 E 015° 16.622 |
A |
Zaciname na hranicnim prechodu na Smrku. Najdete hranicni kamen. Najdete cislo zapsane pod IV. Cislo A je dvouciferne. K dispozici je fotohint. |
Pokracujte po zelene znacce na dalsi zastavku. |
N 50° 53.311 E 015° 17.563 |
B |
Muzete si odpocinout na lavicce. Najdete kamen oznaceny zlutou tabulkou Lacznik (Herndorfer Kamm). Zajima nas cislo na tabulce. |
Pokracujte po zelene znacce na Stog Izerski [informace]. |
N 50° 53.507 E 015° 18.286 |
C |
Jakou barvu ma plot kolem vysilace? Pocet pismen jmena barvy. |
[Varianta kolo] Pokracujte k chate na Stogu Izerskem a vydejte se pak po neznacene smerem na jih. Sledujte vrstevnicovou cestu. Tam, kde cesta (puvodni cervene znacena) odbocuje doleva, pokracujte rovne na N 50° 53.036 E 015° 18.927 (R2 odbocka), zde odbocte po pruseku. |
[Varianta pesky/lyze] Muzete jit prusekem po hrebeni na Bagienko. "Vrchol" najdete na souradnicich N 50° 53.173 E 015° 18.485, indicii seberete jinde. Na Bagienku je raseliniste, ale to zadny vyrazny vrchol. [foto]. Samozrejme lze vyuzit variantu pro cyklisty. |
N 50° 53.158 E 015° 18.549 |
D |
Nachazite se nedaleko od vrcholu Bagienko. Najdete ceduli na smrku. Kolik pismen ma napis? |
Vratte se na hrebenovou trasu a pokracujte po jeji trase na byvalou sjezdovku na Luzci [informace]. |
N 50° 53.036 E 015° 19.791 |
E |
Nachazite se na konci byvale sjezdovky. Je zde vysilac, zbytky vleku a hneda drevena budova. Kolik pismen ma bily napis na drevene budove? |
Vratte se na hrebenovou trasu a pokracujte po neznacene ceste. |
N 50° 52.811 E 015° 20.325 |
F |
Swieradovec je prakticky pokracovanim Luzce. Zapiste si hodnotu F=3. |
[Varianta kolo] Vrcholu Podmokla se radeji vyhnete. Cesta je hodne podmacena. Pokracujte tedy na Polanu Izerskou a pote Podmoklu objedte az na rozcesti na N 50° 52.132 E 015° 22.848. |
[Varianta pesky/lyze] Pokracujte na Polanu Izerskou a dale po hrebenove trase. Minete nekolik vrcholu, prvni z nich je Podmokla [informace] [foto], pujdete kolem raselinist. A za vrcholem Szerzava se budete moci i rozhlednout. |
N 50° 52.132 E 015° 22.848 |
G |
Zde si muzete odpocinout pred narocnejsim vystupem. Najdete patnik s trojcifernymi cisly a zapiste si prostredni cislo (hledejte cislo ve tvaru 4G2). K dispozici je fotohint. Také nedaleko najdete napovedu. Je umistena na strome, ktery je nalevo od cervene cedule s bilym pismem. |
Nyni vystoupate po cervene znacce na vrchol Sine Skalki [informace]. Prevyseni neni male, ale cekaji vas prvni slibene vyhledy. Pri pohledu zpet uvidite vse, co jste jiz zvladli. Kousek pred vrcholem je vyhlidkove misto. Cestou nezapomente sebrat indicii H. |
N 50° 51.676 E 015° 23.632 |
H |
Cestou na Sine Skalki minete dalsi patnik. Sectete vsechny cislice dvou proti sobe umistenych cisel na patniku (dve cerna trojciferna cisla na bilem podkladu). K dispozici je fotohint. |
N 50° 51.445 E 015° 24.375 |
Sine Skalki opet nemaji vyrazny vrchol, ale je tu lavicka a hezky vyhled. |
Pokracujte po cervene znacce. Jestli chcete formalne navstivit dalsi vrchol, v miste, kde cesta zahyba vpravo, odbocte prusekem. Tam je Przednia Kopa [foto]. V lete jsou v pruseku boruvky. Hned na zacatku pruseku je osamely maly smrk. Na nem visi PETka, jejiz obsah by vas mohl zajimat. Pokud ji nenajdete, nezoufejte, stejnou informaci najdete i na jinem miste. Kdyby byl problem, telefon na ownery je v listingu. Pokracujte po cervene znacce, po case minete pristresek a odbocku na Wysokou Kopu (GC28BP4). Nyni opustite cervenou znacku a budete pokracovat po vyrazne neznacene ceste k lomu Stanislaw. |
N 50° 51.043 E 015° 26.290 |
I |
Vrcholu Izerskie Garby [informace] se vyhneme. Je prakticky totozny s lomem Stanislaw [informace]. Jedna se nejvyse polozeny dul ve stredni Evrope. V lomu se jiz netezi, protoze provoz nebyl rentabilni (tezit se da pouze 6 mesicu v roce). Tezil se zde vysoce kvalitni kremenec. A je zde keska. Ale ted uz k otazce. Ze souradnic vidite vlevo na konci lomu budovu. Z jakeho materialu je? Cihly (I=3), kamen (I=4), drevo (I=5). Pomuze vam fotohint. |
Projdete lomem. Doporucujeme prohlidku, dbejte své bezpecnosti a nelezte tam, kde byste mohli spadnout. Na jare muzete v kaluzich pozorovat parici se zaby a po cely rok industrialni architekturu. Pokud pujdete od BTS rovne dolu, narazite na cervenou znacku. Ta vas dovede na Zwalisko. |
N 50° 50.941 E 015° 27.261 |
J |
Ze Zwaliska [informace] je hezky vyhled (a nedaleko je keska) a jsou zde krasne skalni utvary. Na souradnicich najdete zcela na vrcholu v kameni vytesane znameni. Zcela jiste vede k pokladu a zaroven je vasi posledni indicii. Kolik trojuhelniku obsahuje vyryta znacka? Abyste si overili, ze jste na spravne skale, podivejte se na vyhled ze skaly. |
Finalka je na N 50° K.L E 015° P.Q a neleknete se vysledku, je celkem daleko, ale logicky to na trasu navazuje.
Kontrolni soucet vyslednych souradnic je 49. Po nalezeni finalky je mozne se dopravit zpet vlakem z Jakuszyc nebo ze Szklarske Poreby. Jizdni rady najdete na konci listingu. V pripade problemu, cislo na ownery je +420737461486. |
Coordinates |
Letter |
Description |
N 50° 53.460 E 015° 16.622 |
A |
We start at boundary crossing. On the boundary you should find boundary stone. A is two digits number below Roman number IV.. Use photohint. |
Follow the green marked trail. |
N 50° 53.311 E 015° 17.563 |
B |
You can take a rest. Find a stone with yellow table Lacznik (Herndorfer Kamm). We want number on this table. |
Follow the green marked trail to Stog Izerski [info]. |
N 50° 53.507 E 015° 18.286 |
C |
There is a fence around the transmitter. The color of fence is... C=number of letters in the name of this color in english + 1 |
[Bike] Go to Stog Izerski chalet and then follow the unmarked trail to the south. Stop on N 50° 53.074 E 015° 18.927 (T2) and turn right to the another unmarked trail. |
[On foot] Follow the main ridge to Bagienko. You can find the "peak" on coordinates N 50° 53.173 E 015° 18.485. There is a peat-bog on Bagienko, but it's not easy to find the top. [photo] |
N 50° 53.158 E 015° 18.549 |
D |
You are now not far from the top of Bagienko. Find the white label on a tree. How many letters are there? |
Return to the unmarked trail and then follow unmarked trail to an old ski slope at Luzec [info]. You can follow the T marked waypoints. |
N 50° 53.036 E 015° 19.791 |
E |
You are now at the end of the old ski slope. You can see a transmitter, remains of a trailer and a brown wooden building. How many letters has the white inscription on wooden building? |
Return to the unmarked trail and follow it to Swieradowec [info]. |
N 50° 52.811 E 015° 20.325 |
F |
Swieradovec is only the part of Luzec. Write down F=3. |
[Bike] It's better to bypass Podmokla peak, the trail is waterlogged. So go to Polana Izerska and then bypass Podmokla to a crossroad on coordinates N 50° 52.132 E 015° 22.848. |
[On foot] Go to Polana Izerska and then follow the ummarked ridge trail. You will pass several flat peaks, the first one is Podmokla [info] [photo]. You will see a young forest and peat-bogs around the trail. And after passing Szerzava peak, you will see a nice view. |
N 50° 52.132 E 015° 22.848 |
G |
Here you can take a rest, before you start a demanding ascent to Sine Skalki. Find boundary stone with several three digits numbers. Note the digit in the middle (correct number is 4G2). If you need help, find red info sign and on left side on tree, you find micro cache with sum of indices. |
Now follow the red marked trail and ascend to the peak Sine Skalki [info]. It will not be easy, but you can expect nice views. If you turn round, you will see everything, you managed to pass. There is a viewpoint with benches, just before the top. |
N 50° 51.676 E 015° 23.632 |
H |
Ascending Sine Skalki. Find boundary stone with two three digits numbers (see photohint). Make sum of all digits of these two numbers. |
Follow the red marked trail. If you want to visit another peak, you must turn to a forest path, exactly at the place, where the red marked trail turns right. This peak is Przednia Kopa [photo]. You can find blueberries there in summer. Do not forget to find a lonely spruce with PET container, you should be interested in its content. Then follow the red marked trail. At the place, where you find a shelter for tourists, you can take an unmarked trail to the highest peak of the Jizera Mountains, Wysoka Kopa (there is a geocache GC28BP4). Now leave the red marked trail and take a significant unmarked trail to quarry Stanislaw. |
N 50° 51.043 E 015° 26.290 |
I |
We will bypass the top of Izerskie Garby [info], because this peak is almost identical with Stanislaw quarry [info]. Stanislaw is a quarry with the highest altitude in central Europe. The quarry is now abandomned because mining was not cost-effective (half of the year the quarry is covered with snow). But this quarry was well known for its high quality quartz. From the coordinates you see a building on the left side at the end of the quarry. The building is built from? bricks (I=3), stone (I=4), wood (I=5). See photo hint. |
Go through the quarry. A short tour is recommended, but care about your own safety! There are some places where you can fall down. On spring you can see copulating frogs in pools and during the whole year industrial architecture. Go down from the BTS, and must join the red marked trail. This trail will lead you to Zwalisko. |
N 50° 50.941 E 015° 27.261 |
J |
The are nice views from the top of Zwalisko [info] and you can see several nice rock formations there (and geocache). On coordinates on the top of the rock formation you will find an ancient sign carved in stone. This sign surely leads to a treasure and this is your last missing letter. How many triangles do form this carved sign? If you want to be sure that you search on the right place, enjoy the view from the rock formation. |
Now you have all you need and you can calculate the final coordinates. Geocache is quite far from here, so don't be surprised after you see the result.
N 50° K.L E 015° P.Q
Final coordinates checksum 49. |
Problems with finding? Questions? You can try to call owners, mobile phone number is +420737461486.