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Thing Sites: Tinganes Traditional Cache

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Toa Ignika<br>
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Hidden : 09/04/2012
1.5 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   micro (micro)

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Geocache Description:

This cache is part of the official Thing Sites GeoTour. This is a magnetic nanocache. Please bring your own pencil to complete the logbook.

The Thing Sites GeoTour has placed caches in and around the locations of Norse and Viking assembly sites in Norway, Iceland, The Faroe Islands, Orkney, Shetland, Highland Scotland, and the Isle of Man. Follow in the footsteps of the Vikings, and explore some of these fascinating sites.

This cache is placed on Tinganes, the site of the all-thing and later the law-thing of the Faroe Islands since the arrival of the Norse settlers early 9th century. Here on the thing Christianity was accepted in 998. The thing was held in July and eventually it was connected to the St. Olav’s Wake. The opening of the thing is still celebrate on our national holiday the 29th of July. The Lawthing is now situated 300 m further up in town. But the Løgmaður, lawman, has his office on Tinganes looking down on the old site.

General information on the Thingsites

Thing sites, from the Old Norse Þing, are the early assemblies found throughout Northern Europe as a result of our shared Norse heritage.

When the Vikings and early Norse settlers arrived in a new place they brought with them their customs and legal systems. Political decisions were made at the thing, laws upheld and disputes settled. Proceedings were overseen by the local ruler and the law-speaker (judge), whose job was to memorise and recite the law. At some things, known as Althings, any free man was entitled to vote. At others - Lawthings - the crown and local communities acted together to interpret the law.

The thing was also a focus for religious activity, as well as trade and exchange. At Thingvellir in Iceland you can still see the remains of the booths, or huts, where traders came to do business with people attending the meeting.

The thing system for sharing and legislating power can still be recognised today. Several things continue to be active. The Icelandic parliament is still known as the Althing, the Norwegian parliament is called the Storting and the Faroese parliament goes by the name of Løgting. The Manx parliament, known as Tynwald, still holds a midsummer court on the thing mound at Tynwald Hill every year.

Tinganes is in Tórshavn, in the middle of the harbour. The walk from the parking is approx. 100 m. You can walk along the quayside on the east and west side of Tinganes and the old town. Narrow streets also take you through the old town to the point of Tinganes. Walk out in front of the last house. Now you are on rocky ground. It is a bit rough and can be slippery if it is wet. Bikes and wheelchairs can reach the last house, but not further.

Park the car at the parking areas in the east or west harbour. On weekdays remember to set the parking disk.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Orybj gur angvbany flzoby.

Decryption Key


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