Frango & Chips 2 - Judgement Day!
This is a series of 8 caches plus a bonus in a circular walk of just under 3km. The first 5 have been placed by Chip the Duck and the last 4, including the bonus, by Frango Piri Piri.
The terrain rating is for the series, not this cache which is easy to access. The paths are fairly good in most parts (although there may be some loose stones or mud in winter - we placed the caches in the summer) but we recommend trainers or shoes, not sandals, and perhaps trousers rather than shorts unless you are into scratching. There are two uphill stretches but you will be rewarded with some great views, like the one below.
To find the bonus you will need to collect the six values A to F from the caches to fit into the formula below - each is repeated at least once so that you will still be able to locate the bonus even if you cannot find one of the caches or if it goes missing. The codes are written on the logbook and possibly elsewhere on the cache.
N37° 12.ABC W008° 42.DEF
The other caches in this series are:
We recommend that you park at the additional waypoint - N37° 12.294 W008° 42.988 and visit the caches in numerical order.
Our apologies that the web pages are all in English - our Portuguese is not yet good enough.
Don't forget to note down the numbers for the bonus before you move on.
Have fun!