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HQGT: Geo Post Office Letterbox Hybrid

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Hidden : 08/13/2013
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Geocache Description:

Welcome! Don't panic! You’ve located another stop in The Geocacher’s Guide to the Center of Our Universe, also known as the HQ GeoTour. It’s part of why Fremont is so unique. What we have here is a Geo Post Office. Want to send some mail? Can you move a postcard closer to its goal?

The Fremont Motto: “De Libertas Quirkas” (freedom to be peculiar)

Print your HQ GeoTour passport as a guide.

To access the Geo Post Office: 9 - 8 - 1 - 0

This cache is at the posted coordinates. Once the code is in, push the shackle on the lock and it will open easily. TO CLOSE: When ready to close it up, make sure the lock has the correct code, and then push the shackle in. Scramble the code to lock it in place. Release the shackle. CHECK: Is the box locked properly? Property managers are all aware of this placement.

Geo Post Office caches are placed to hold postcards with each postcard having a short message and a forwarding address on it. The address should have the person's name that you are trying to send the postcard to, their home area and destination cache. The idea is to move postcards to other geocaches until they reach their destinations. When you move a postcard from one place to another, let the addressee know in case they are close enough to pick it up. Make sure that you are moving it closer to its destination.

WHY? It's another neat thing that we can do with geocaching!

HOW? Look inside the container for the Domestic Mail and the International Mail. The instructions are right there.

Other caches with these words in the cache title:
- Geo Post Office
- GeoPostOffice
- Geo-Post-Office

About the HQ GeoTour

The Geocaching HQ office is located right here in the Fremont neighborhood of Seattle. That makes Fremont the center of our geocaching universe. It just so happens that Fremont is also officially the Center of the Known Universe. Coincidence? We think not.

According to somewhat reliable sources Seattle’s Fremont neighborhood lies in a special geophysical locale. Stay long enough and you might happen to notice the odd gravitational pull, the inability to stay away, the overwhelming urge to return again and again—it’s almost as if you’re in the center of the universe.

In 1991, Fremont Scientists did extensive research at a local Fremont pub. With a few slurs and stumbles, they came to the conclusion that the intersection of N Fremont Ave and 35th St N was, indeed, the Center of the Universe. They supported their statement with the claim that it could not be disproven. (It couldn’t be proven either, but that’s beside the fact.)

Shortly thereafter, through much politicking and cajoling, the Fremont Scientists convinced the Metropolitan King County Council to officially name Fremont as the Center of the Known Universe. An official proclamation declared Fremont to be an Independent ImagiNation and a mecca for those of independent minds and spirits.

This geocache was hidden with special permission from Geocaching HQ.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

V'z dhvgr ynetr naq unir n ynetr Geniry Oht ba zr. [TO OPEN the lock, push the shackle in and it will open easily. TO CLOSE: Make sure the lock has the correct code, and then push the shackle in. Scramble the code to lock it in place. Release the shackle.]

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)