Cashelkeelty Stone Circle Traditional Cache
Cashelkeelty Stone Circle
Size:  (small)
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The site features remains of a 5-stone circle beside a rock outcrop. . The site, as is to be expected, commands impressive views. To the S and E are traces of prehistoric field-walls. 150 metres W are remains of a probable stone-row. Immediately N of these sites, the mediæval road from Kenmare to Castletownberehaven is still discernible as a wide, grassy track. .
The cache is located at on part of the Beara way. It is accesable from the R571 ,carparking is available at the main road and the stone circle is signposted .
The walk takes 20 mins approx and can be wet with some scrambling and some stiles along the way
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Rvtug cbfgf sebz gbc pbeare bs jnyy.