Grizzly's 10K Celebration Traditional Cache
Grizzly Pair: Hicks Lodge have changed the route of paths through here so this location is no longer accessible.
Grizzly's 10K Celebration
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Cache released to celebrate our 10,000th cache find.
A medium sized metal ammo can hidden off the beaten track in the Hick's lodge cycling area of the National Forest. Its a few feet off the regular footpath but you will need to approach on a roundabout route using minor paths which will become overgrown in the summer.
There are nice views of the lake and cycling path from the approach to GZ. Refreshment and toilet facilities are available at the nearby Hick's lodge Cycle Centre, as is parking at a charge, free parking is available at severable places with a slightly longer walk. Please note there is deep water in the vicinity.
Additional Hints
Cnff gur qvfgvapgvir Bnx Gerr ba gur uvyybpx naq tb oruvaq gur ubyyl ohfurf, cnff gur oheag gerr erznvaf naq ybbx sbe ng tebhaq yriry va n jbbqra grrcrr oruvaq fbzr gerrf.