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Birding Lisbon Traditional Cache

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Birding Lisbon - GC45465
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Bruno Rodrigues (btreviewer) Volunteer Cache Reviewer

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Hidden : 01/29/2013
1.5 out of 5
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Geocache Description:


The Portuguese capital enjoys favorable birdwatching conditions that make it a great destination for this activity. Both Monsanto Park and the Tagus Estuary are places of special interest to observe birds at any time of year.

In fact, Lisboa is the only European capital located near a protected area with the abundant natural wildlife of the Tagus Estuary Nature Reserve.Lisbon is a bird rich city. Thanks to the variety of habitats, it is relatively easy to find different types of birds, such as egrets, cormorants, partridges, warblers, jays and finches, among others.

Thanks to the variety of habitats, it is relatively easy to find different types of birds, such as egrets, cormorants, partridges, warblers, jays and finches, among others. In this page, we present 50 different bird species.

They are all quite frequent within the city boundaries and can be seen by any observer. Take our suggestion and start discovering LIsbon's rich bird life! This is the largest park of Lisbon. It holds a wide variety of bird species and is undoubtedly the best place in town for tree-dwelling species. Monsanto is considered by many people as the “lung of Lisbon”, and indeed this woodland is the largest green area in town.

This park holds many different birds, including several species that are typical of wooded areas. In Monsanto there are many places where it is possible to take walks and watch birds. Birdlife is composed mainly of passerines, such as tits, Blackbirds and Goldfinches.

The forest is sometimes used as a feeding site by Night Herons, which come from the zoo, where they breed freely. The surrounding woods hold Coal Tit, Greenfinch and wintering Siskins. Woodpigeons often fly over this place, while the surrounding woodlands hold Long-tailed Tits and Firecrests, together with other more common species.

Parque Florestal de Monsanto é um desafio para quem se quer iniciar no birdwatching, vista-se com roupa confortável (Tipo camuflado) leve consigo a máquina fotográfica, uns binóculos e percorra um dos oito percursos e trilhos de Monsanto com muita paciência num ambiente calmo e repousante.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

pyvzo gb gur arfg/ fhonz nb avaub

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