I need Money Mystery Cache
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I need Money, so please send me Money
Please send more Money!!
The listing koordinates are not real.
I have a problem: I´ve lost all my money, but I need money!
My friends send me some money on a special account but they made a joke and send me the number of the account hidden behind a little mathematic quiz.
I cannot fiqure out. I have tried logical reasoning and can't get it. Can you help me?

You have to change the letters into numbers, and all the same letters have to be the same number.
I hope you can help!
To find the moneybox use
N: 54.27. MYR E: 022.44.MNO
The cache is located 4m high.
Please be careful!!
Additional Hints
Vs lbh pna abg uryc zr, gura tvir zr n tvsg cerzvhz zrzorefuvc ba Trbpnpuvat.pbz