Dia 36 - Convite
Neste momento, Fix tomou uma decisão extrema. Decidiu dizer tudo a Passepartout. Era talvez o único meio que tinha para reter Phileas Fogg mais alguns dias em Hong Kong.
Ao sairem do escritório Fix convidou seu companheiro para beberem alguma coisa. Passepartout tinha tempo, aceitou o convite de Fix.
Uma taverna se abria para o cais. Tinha um aspecto atraente. Entraram. Era uma vasta sala bem decorada, ao fundo da qual se estendia uma cama de campanha, guarnecida de almofadas. Sobre este leito estavam enfileirados um certo número de pessoas a dormir.
Uns trinta fregueses ocupavam na sala principal pequenas mesas de junco trançado. Sorviam bebidas alcoólicas, cerveja inglesa, gin ou brandy. A maioria fumava compridos cachimbos de barro vermelho, cheios de bolinhas de ópio misturado com essência de rosa. De tempo em tempo algum fumador inebriado deslizava para baixo da mesa e os criados do estabelecimento, pegando-o pelos pés e pela cabeça, colocavam-no sobre a cama de campanha perto de um confrade. Uns vinte estavam já deitados lado a lado, no último grau de embrutecimento.
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Day 36 - Invitation
At this moment Fix decided on an extreme course of action. He resolved to tell Passepartout everything. It was perhaps the only way he had of keeping Phileas Fogg in Hong Kong for a few more days.
On leaving the office, Fix offered his companion a drink. As Passepartout had plenty of time, he accepted the invitation.
There was a tavern with a welcoming appearance opening on to the quayside, so the two of them headed in. They found a huge, finely-decorated room, at the end of which was stretched out a camp-bed equipped with cushions. Several people were sleeping on it.
In the large room about thirty customers were sitting at small tables made out of rattan. They were downing pints of British beer, gin or brandy. Most were also smoking long pipes of red clay, filled with small pellets of opium mixed with attar of roses. From time to time some smoker overcome by the fumes would slide under the table. The waiters of the establishment, taking him by his head and feet, would then carry him to the camp-bed, and lay him down beside a fellow smoker. About twenty of these inebriates were already laid out side by side, totally incapacitated.
Leia o livro completo "A Volta ao Mundo em 80 Dias", esta parte no capítulo XIX.
Read the complete book at "Around the World in 80 Days", this part in chapter XIX.