Yuma Discovery Series #1 Kick-off Event Cache
Buckshot & Foxy: Time to archive...It was a good time...enjoyed meeting so many geocachers from all over...lots of smiles and good comments.
Yuma Discovery Series #1 Kick-off
Saturday, 08 February 2014
Size:  (not chosen)
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In 2014 Yuma will be celebrating its 100th birthday. We invite you to join us at the above coordinates (the Yuma Visitor's Center) to hang with fellow geocachers and trade hints and secrets of their geocaching adventures. We will have snacks & drinks for everyone to enjoy, a raffle and a children's cache on site.
START TIME/DATE: 9am/Saturday, February 8, 2014
Each person attending the kick-off of this event will receive a ticket for a raffle. The prize is something special contributed by a local merchant. The drawing will be held at 3:45pm.
We've collected some interesting swag for the kids to take or trade in their special cache.
When you’re ready to begin ‘Discovering Yuma’, we will give out the passports, which have 5 traditional caches and 15 temporary caches, which will take you to many interesting and historical sites in the area. A limited edition (300) of the Discovery Series #1 trackable coin will be available for those completing the series correctly.
END TIME/DATE: 4pm/Saturday, February 8, 2014
After the kick-off event passports to the series can be picked up and returned at the following locations on the days indicated:
On Sunday, February 9, we have permission to set-up a table at the Yuma Mega Event (GC47GKW). We will be there between the hours of 9am and 4pm.
If there are coins left for awarding, then on Monday, February 10, passports and coins will be available at the Yuma Visitors’ Center between the hours of 9am and 5pm seven days a week until all coins are gone.
Additional Hints
(No hints available.)