Chislehurst Constitutional
** The label on the post box at stage 6 is currently missing. The answer is 119 **
Chislehurst originally consisted of four communities: Mill Place area, Royal Parade, Prickend (now the High Street area) and the Perry Street area. My Wherigo Church Micro 4636 - Chislehurst Christ Church covers the Mill Place area; Wherigo Church Micro 5651...Chislehurst - St Patrick takes in the High Street area and the northern part of the common, Wherigo Scadbury Stroll covers part of the Perry Street area, while this one covers Royal Parade and the southern part of Chislehurst .
The Wherigo cartridge takes you on a walk of just under one mile on the flat and can be completed within 30 minutes. You will visit eight locations including the final physical cache. You must sign the log of this cache if you want to log your find on the website.
The cache, a nano tube, is not at the given coordinates. To find the location of the cache you will need to undertake the Wherigo. On the route round you will go very close to the start of three multi geocaches - I'll point them out in the cartridge. Unfortunately the final locations do not map onto the route.
At each zone, you are required to answer a simple question about things you can see in the locations you visit. If you get the answer wrong, you will be able to try again, or you can skip the question. You can only skip one question as you go round if you want to complete the cache. If you experience any problems, try walking outside the zone you are in and re-entering the zone. Some of the questions are multiple choice, particularly where someone may be sitting on the answer.
Find out more information about Wherigo caches here. Download the cartridge you need to play the Chislehurst Constitutional WhereIGo here.
WARNING: The area is busy and there is plenty of traffic around - please take care, particularly if you have children with you. You will not need to cross the main roads, but there are a number of minor roads which will have to be crossed. Much of the route is paved with one long section of gravel path. It should be possible in a wheelchair, but the gravel could be hard work and to get one answer you need to cross some grass (or guess!), which is why it is rated as a T1.5.
This cartridge was created using Earwigo - many thanks to sTeamTraen for the development and maintenance of this great Wherigo creation tool.
*** Congratulations to Lucyflight on the FTF (again!) ***
21 December 2014 - I have replaced the original film can with a nano tube.
15 November 2015 - Cache slightly relocated due to damage to host.
27 November 2015 - I have uploaded a new cartridge which has slightly larger zones and some other minor changes.
29 December 2016 - Cache replaced in original location.
22 February 2020 - New cartridge uploaded with hint revised to original location.
11 June 2022 - New cartridge uploaded to cure crash problem on entering cache zone.