GC da 1ª - http://coord.info/GC3162T -O Miradouro - Projecto SJT
GC da Última-http://coord.info/GC1DBG3 -OTTT #1 – City Hall
Kms- 2992 km
This is a challenge cache- if proof of completing the challenge is not provided, your log will be deleted! Sorry, but it has to be fair to those who complete the challenge!
N 38° 43.287
1500 Kilometros num só dia de calendário.
Cobrir a distancia de pelo menos 1500 km entre a primeira e a última cache do dia.
The distance between the first cache and the last cahe is at least 1500 km in one callendar day
This is a challenge cache- if proof of completing the challenge is not provided, your log will be deleted! Sorry, but it has to be fair to those who complete the challenge!
Ter feito e logado duas caches com a distância de 1500 Kilometeros num só dia de calendário.
Cobrir a distancia de pelo menos 1500 km entre a primeira e a última cache do dia.
The distance between the first cache and the last cache 1500 km in one callendar day.
Esta cache pode ser logada quando demonstrado e colocado no log que foram descobertas pelo menos duas caches que distem o desafio proposto. This cache can be logged when you shown the log that were discovered at least two caches, at a distance the proposed challenge.
1500 Kilometer within one calendar days.
NOTE: That certain conditions must be met for a logg to be approved. In order to log found in this cache, you have covered a distance of at least 1500 km between the first and last cache in a day. Previous trips included. But you have to pass some form of evidence in the log, or write in detail when and where you did it.
W 009° 12.659
All logs will be checked!
The cache is not hard to find, it is difficult to meet the logging requirements.
Esta cache pode ser logada quando demonstrado e colocado no log que foram descobertas pelo menos duas caches que distem o desafio proposto
José Maria Magalhães/Acácio Almeida Furtado° Domingos Pinto Coelho/José Maria Magalhães.Vicente Rodrigues Monteiro /Fernando Martins de Carvalho/Acácio Almeida Furtado
António Sá Nogueira° Pedro Goes Pitta.João Catanho de Meneses/João Catanho de Meneses/António Sá Nogueira