Lebanon's First Cache Traditional Cache
Size:  (regular)
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The cache is located on the hill of the Mar Chaaya Monastery in Brumana
Cache contains lots of valuable items but we forgot 2 put a log book. So please bring a log book with u in case u get there b4 i get the chance 2 go back myself.
One valuable advice: WEAR LONG PANTS WHEN GOING 2 LOOK 4 THIS CACHE. Lots of thorny bushes & jagged rocks.
Additional Hints
Sebz gur ybjre pne cnex, jnyx gbjneqf gur ynetr enqvb nagraan. Sbyybj gur cngu oruvaq gur nagraan nobhg 350 zrgref gb n avpr pyrnevat. Ybbx sbe n ynetr ebpx jvgu n jbbqra fgvpx. Sebz guvf ebpx jnyx nobhg 100z JFJ gueh urnil ohfurf; h'yy trg 2 n ynetr bhgpebc bs ebpxf jvgu n 360 ivrj bs Orvehg. Ba gurfr ebpxf ybbx sbe 2 erq cnvagrq fcbgf bar bs juvpu vf n pvepyr. Gur pnpur vf jryy uvqqra orgjrra gurfr fcbgf.