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Mariborski čevljarček Wherigo Cache

Hidden : 03/11/2015
3 out of 5
2 out of 5

Size: Size:   micro (micro)

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Geocache Description:

Stara legenda pravi, da je Maribor v času turških vpadov večkrat trpel obleganja ter da je mesto nekoč gotovega propada v zadnjem trenutki rešil droben čevljarski vajenec. Turški napad je bil namreč tako nepričakovan, da so Mariborčani v paniki pozabili spustiti vodo v obrambne jarke. Sovražniki so se med tem približali mestu in že začeli spodkopavati obzidje. Iz obkoljenega mesta pa se je ponoči izmuznil čevljarček, preoblečen v Turka, in spustil zapornice. Obrambne jarke je napolnila voda in čevljarček je rešil mesto pred gotovo pogubo.

Slovenska kartuša:

An old legend says that Maribor during the Turkish invasions repeatedly suffered the siege and that the city once got saved in the final moments by the small shoemaking apprentice. The Turkish attack was so unexpected that the people of Maribor in panic forgot to fill the defensive trenches with water. Enemies were very close to the city and have already begun to undermine the walls. In the night the little shoemaker apprentice escaped from the city dressed as a Turk. He opened the water locks and filled the trenches with water, so he saved the city from certain doom.

Wherigo cartridge for this cache can be obtained by clicking on the logo below and log in to the wherigo site with your geocaching username and password. Copy the cartridge to your GPS device and off you go.

English cartridge:

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Mn xnzav i mvqh pvfgb cev gyru (tyrw fcbvyre 2023) / Oruvaq gur fgbar va gur jnyy ng gur sybbe yriry (frr Fcbvyre 2023) ... xbbeqvangrf zvtug or 10 zrgref bss

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)