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Thoreau Hitchhiker Mystery Cache

Hidden : 04/01/2001
2 out of 5
2 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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How Geocaching Works

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Geocache Description:

Greg & Dave's Thoreau Hitchhiker Geocache

NOTE: The given coordinates are not the location of this cache!! They are given just to let you know approximately how close it is to your home town. Read on!

This geocache is different than any other we have seen and has its origins in a similar "Letter Boxing" setup. With this geocache, no coordinates are given on the Internet. Instead, the coordinates are placed in an existing, host geocache (chosen arbitrarily) and then Hitchhike from one existing host geocache site to another, moved by the last person to find the Hitchhiker coordinates. Only those that are lucky enough to find an existing, host geocache with the Hitchhiker coordinate Travel Bug (Ref #TBHFC3) in the host cache box get to also find the Hitchhiker cache site! (which does not change position). A geocacher that finds the Hitchhiker coordinates has a few obligations, however:

1. Please, do not divulge the Hitchhiker coordinates to anyone! The whole idea is to be lucky enough to find the coordinates serendipitously!
2. Please choose the geocache that the Hitchhiker coordinates will be placed in next from the list of geocaches in the eastern New England area.
3. Please transport the Hitchhiker coordinates to the next geocache within a week.

If you cannot fulfill the above obligations, then please leave the coordinates at the existing geocache for someone else to find and transport.

That's it!! So keep looking for the Hitchhiker coordinate TB in every geocache you find (or visit the Thoreau Hitchhiker TB webpage, reference #TBHFC3)! We can't give any directions or hints about where the Hitchhiker geocache is, but we will say that it is in eastern New England.

Good luck in finding the "Thoreau Hitchhiker" geocache!

Greg and Dave

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Ab Uvagf/Fcbvyre vasb. (Guvf vasbezngvba vf vapyhqrq jvgu gur pbbeqvangrf gung uvgpuuvxr sebz bar pnpur gb nabgure). V jvyy fnl gung, vs lbh ner fzneg, lbh pna nibvq ohfujunpxvat ol fgnlvat ba n genvy gung tbrf nobir vg, gura tb qbja gb vg sebz gung genvy (juvpu vf nccebcevngryl anzrq).

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)