This is one cache in a series of 12 caches (plus a Bonus cache), in the Wyman Hill Conservation. This area is popular with hikers, walkers, and bikers. All the caches in this series are within 100 ft of a trail and are winter friendly zipped tied camo painted bill bottle. Round trip for all 13 caches should take you around 4 miles, give or take a mile.
You are looking for two words/phrase in the word search below that are connected to the name of this cache in some way. Once you have found it enter the keyword(s) for the coordinates & cache hint.
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All coordinates were averaged with two different GPSrs. Given coordinates are a Oregon 600 averaged with 100% reliability over 3 trips to GZ. I am also including offsets of an iPhone 6 GPS averaged on a single trip as sometimes that would bring me closer on return trips.
Offsets for GPSr #2
N -.004
W +.005