Večerni razgled proti jugu / Evening view to the south
Šmarna gora, osamelec na severnem obrobju Ljubljane, se z vzhodnim vrhom Šmarno goro (669 m) in zahodnim vrhom Grmado (676 m) dviga približno 350 m nad izhodiščem v Tacnu. Eno najstarejših romarskih središč pri nas (Šmarna gora naj bi bila dobro obiskovana božja pot že v 13. stoletju) je bilo proti koncu 19. stoletja vse bolj priljubljena izletniška točka, pred slabimi 90 leti pa je že slovelo kot "najlepši in zato najbolj priljubljeni nedeljski izlet Ljubljančanov". Nedvomno tudi zato, ker zaradi svoje lege sredi Ljubljanske kotline "nudi za malenkosten trud prekrasen razgled". Danes je vzpon na Šmarno goro po desetinah označenih in neoznačenih stezic priljubljena vsakodnevna in ne samo nedeljska rekreacija, na vrhu pa poleg baročne cerkvice in razgleda na vse strani čakajo znameniti čaj, miške, vodiške preste in ričet. Pa seveda tudi zaklad, kot si ga najbolj obiskan slovenski vrh zasluži.
Zaklad: na izhodiščnih koordinatah je marsikaj zanimivega, le zaklada ne. Našli ga boste, če se boste napotili v smeri skoraj proti severu ne več kot 80 m in med hojo razmišljali kaj storiti, če gori na gori gori. Prosimo, da zaklad skrijete natanko tako, kot ste ga našli. Zaklad je skupno delo ekip icabrian in kompaski, ki sta ga skrili v polni zasedbi 25. aprila 2015.
Začetna vsebina: dnevnik, svinčnik, šilček in žig, ki jih prosim ne odnesi. Drobni predmeti za menjavo, med njimi Lego figurica #974, kamnita hroščka št. 716 in 717 ter neaktiviran popotni hrošček (travelbug) za prvega najditelja.
Razgled proti severu / View to the north
Šmarna gora, an inselberg north of Ljubljana, rises some 350 m above the plain in Tacen to its eastern peak Šmarna gora (669 m) and western peak Grmada (676). One of the oldest and most important places of pilgrimage (according to some sources, pilgrimage started as early as in 13th century) turned to leisure visitors towards the end of 19th century and has already established itself as "most beautiful and most popular Sunday trip for people of Ljubljana" some 90 years ago. Undoubtedly because its position in the center of Ljubljana basin offers "beautiful view for little effort". Today, the hike to the summit of Šmarna gora is popular everyday, not just Sunday recreation. On the summit, one can visit a baroque church and enjoy great views in every direction, famous tea, Vodice pretzels, Šmarna gora donuts (colloquially known as mice - miške) and barley stew. And there is of course a geocache as one would expect on the most visited summit in Slovenia.
The cache: there are many interesting things on the header coordinates, but not the cache. You will find it, if you head almost to the north not further than 80 m while thinking what to do if there was fire on the mountain. Please replace the cache in the same way you found it. The cache is a coproduction of teams kompaski and icabrian.
Initial content: logbook, pencil, pencil sharpener and stamp (not for trade, please leave in the cache). Small exchange items, including Lego minifigure #974, stone beetles #716 and #717, and unactivated travelbug for the first to find.
Drugi šmarnogorski zakladi / Other caches of Šmarna gora:
- traditional Plezalna pot - climbing route
- mystery Matjaževa jama / Matjaž cave
- multi Turk’s Shrine
- earthcache Otok v prostoru in času/ An Island in Space & Time
- mystery Otok v prostoru in času - bonus
- traditional Policijska akademija Tacen
- mystery Speransova domačija / Sperans' Homestead
- mystery Krmilnica divjadi
- traditional Partizanski strel je tukaj zadonel
- virtual Zvergle