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Germany goes A.P.E. - Kehrwoche Cache In Trash Out® Event

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[b] btreviewer [/b] Volunteer Cache Reviewer

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Hidden : Saturday, 23 May 2015
2 out of 5
3 out of 5

Size: Size:   other (other)

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Geocache Description:

Germany goes A.P.E. - Kehrwoche

Vom 20. - 25.05.2015 reist eine deutschsprachige Reisegruppe verrückter Geocacher nach Brasilien in den Intervales State Park, um den legendären letzten Project A.P.E. Cache zu besuchen. Da wird nicht nur cachen und den Park erkunden, sondern auch etwas zurückgeben wollen, treffen wir uns am 23.05.2015 von ca. 10:00 Uhr bis 11:00 an den Koordinaten. Dort werden Mülltüten und Handschuhe ausgegeben. Greifer müssen ggf. selbst mitgebracht werden.

Der Park ist sehr sauber, aber wenn wir an diesem Tag beim cachen im Park allen Abfall einsammeln, den wir unterwegs finden, sorgen wir dafür, daß er es auch weiterhin bleibt.

Um grupo de turistas de língua alemã de geocachers loucos viaja do 20 ao 25 de Maio de 2015 para o Brasil para o Intervales State Park para visitar o último lendário Project A.P.E. Cache. Visto que fazemos não só geocaching e exploramos o parque, mas também queremos dar algo de volta, nos encontraremos no 23 de Maio de 2015 a partir das aprox. 10.00 horas às 11.00 horas nas coordenadas. Neste sítio são entregues sacos de lixo e luvas. Garras devem ser trazidas eventualmente pelas próprias pessoas.

O parque está muito linpo, mas se recolhermos todo o lixo que encontramos no parque neste dia durante o geocaching, também cuidaremos de que o parque fique limpo no futuro.

Ah sim: A "Kehrwoche" é usual na Suábia (no sudoeste da Alemanha). Cada semana, um outro citadão cuida da varredura dos soalhos e das escadas. Os CITOs são designados com frequêôncia como "Kehrwoche" visto que os geocachers limpam a natureza.

From 20. - 25.05.2015 a German speaking group of crazy geocachers will be travelling to Brazil's Intervales State Park, to visit the legendary last remaining Project A.P.E. Cache. As we do not only plan to go geocaching and to explore the park, we would like to give something back: We meet on 23.05.2015 between 10:00 am and 11:00 am at the given coordinates. Garbage bags and gloves will be issued. Grabbers are not available and have to be taken there by you.

The park is very clean, but if we collect all the trash we see during geocaching there we ensure that this condition remains that way.

By the way: "Kehrwoche" is common in Swabia (south-western Germany). Each week, it is a different resident’s turn to carry out tasks such as sweeping the floors and stairs. CITOs are often referred to as "Kehrwoche", since geocachers are cleaning nature.


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