PTH#02 Traditional Cache
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Welcome everyone to the Héraultais Power Trail, a 2400 geocaches serie wandering more than 500 Km in our county.
PowerTrail34 Visualization
Many Geocachers have participated to this Pharaonic project that took us around 40 days to gather and prepare containers, on the field to hide geocaches and pick up coordinates, finally behind computers to create pages.
You will go through typical landscapes from our hinterland such as the charming village of Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert, Circus of Navacelles, Pic Saint-Loup and l'Hortus, The Gorges de l'Hérault and AOC Languedoc Vineyards.
Power Trail means usually "Car Drive In", its true in the States where roads are wide and road side frequent. It's not always the case in our county. It might be wiser to opt for a bike or a motorbike. If you do choose the car, don't take uneccessary risk and never stop the car on the road with no visibility, the risk of car crash is significant.
Some tracks are in less better condition than others, you will find a sum-up of this sections below.
. PTH#604 à PTH#613 . PTH#1388 à PTH#1398 . PTH#1602 à PTH#1607 . PTH#1835 à PTH#1854
. PTH#1980 à PTH#2011 . PTH#2232 à PTH#2244 . PTH#2248 à PTH#2255 . PTH#2257 à PTH#2258
. PTH#2311 à PTH#2315 . PTH#2324 à PTH#2332
Containers are easy to find, they are under rocks or hanging in a tree or a bush, quickly visible thanks to a blue cable. You will find a board that you can print in order to help you translate different hints as you won't have any network in some parts of the Power Trail.
Always put back the container with the seal upward so the geocache stays waterproof, if it's hanged with a cable don't untie it or pull it too strong, you only need to unscrew to take out the logbook.
If you are doing the Power Trail as a team, try to choose a name in order to only use one line on the logbook.
A PTH logo ''Bravo, vous l'avez fait- Congrat's you did it'' is available on request for those who have realized the PTH...ENTIRELY .
You will find below a printable glossary to help you translate hints in English.
Finally, we would like to thank our only interlocutor as a reviewer "The Publisher " , who patiently validated page after page until the 2400th.
Additional Hints
Nh pœhe qh zhygv-gebap
Ng gur urneg bs gur zhygv-gehax gerr