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HE Medvode Mystery Cache

Hidden : 02/21/2016
3 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   micro (micro)

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Geocache Description:

HE Medvode leži nad sotočjem Save s Soro, med naseljema Medvode in Verje.

Med gradnjo hidroelektrarne so tu našli bronasto sekiro, kar priča o naselitvi teh krajev že v bronasti dobi. Ta dragocena sekira je tudi najstarejša najdba na širšem območju Medvod.

HE Medvode lies above the confluence of the Sava river with Sora river, between the villages of Medvode and Verje. During the construction of hydropower plant the bronze axe was found in the area. This testifies that this area was already populated in the Bronze Age. This valuable axe is the oldest find in Medvode surroundings.

Vir slike

Pregrada leži na mestu, kjer je Sava vrezala brzice v dolomitu, ki je večji del razpokan in prepreden z votlinami.  Barrier is placed on the spot where Sava cut whitewater stretch in dolomite which is mostly cracked and full of cavity.

Vir slike

Več podatkov najdi na/more details you find here:

Ko pade veliko dežja in Sava naraste, lahko na jezu vidite (meni) prečudovita slapova. :)

Pazite, ko prečite cesto, saj v bližini mostu ni nobenega prehoda, avti pa pridejo iz ovinka s kar precejšnjo hitrostjo. Sploh pazite na otroke!

Be careful when you cross the road, there is no pedestrian crossing close by and cars come by quite fast. Esp. take care of kids!

Rešite nalogo in najdi zakladek :) Solve the task and find the cache :)


P. S. Slika v aplikaciji ne deluje (ne vem zakaj), na spletni strani pa se lepo prikaže, zato prosim preverite na spletu. Hvala za razumevanje. 

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