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Hidden : 03/11/2016
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Geocache Description:

Vransko se je razvilo ob stari rimski cesti Emona-Celeia. Naselje se prvič omenja že leta 1123, njegov pomen pa je zrastel zlasti v poznem srednjem veku, saj je bila to prva štajerska postojanka na meji s Kranjsko in je imela pošto in mitnico. Vransko se je uspešno razvijalo tudi v 19. stoletju. Leta 1853 (ali 1854) je postalo sedež okrajnega sodišča in davkarije, dobilo je orožniško postajo in je imelo štiri letne sejme.

Po številu prebivalstva je bilo leta 1869 Vransko eno največjih naselij ob “veliki beli cesti” med Celjem in Ljubljano oziroma Kamnikom. Sicer pa je že leta 1802 pričela delovati redna vozna poštna zveza (Graz)-Ljubljana-Trst. Na Vranskem je bila tedaj večja postaja, kjer so pripregali konje za trojanski klanec.

Tržaške pravice z grbom, ki je vklesan na pročelju nekdanje občinske hiše, je Vransko dobilo 1868. Leta 1902 je bila zgrajena nova šola.

Sicer pa je Vransko z zaledjem poznano po številnih zgodovinskih in naravnih znamenitostih. Med sakralnimi objekti izstopata župnijska cerkev sv. Mihaela z marmornim oltarjem, delom znamenitega kiparja F. Robbe, in cerkev sv. Mohorja in Fortunata v Stopniku z zvonom iz leta 1317.

V neposredni bližini Vranskega je še nekaj dvorcev in graščin: Brode ob Bolski, graščina Podgrad z zaščitenim drevesnim fondom ob izviru potoka Podgrajščica. Zanimiva je “taborska utrdba” z gotsko cerkvico sv. Jeronima. V Stopniku so še vidni ostanki stopniškega gradu, najstarejšega v Spodnji savinjski dolini.

V Ilovici pri Vranskem je bila med 1. in 3. stoletjem rimska opekarna, ki so jo odkrili med arheološkim izkopavanjem pred gradnjo avtoceste Arja Vas-Vransko.


Vransko has developed along the old Roman road Emona-Celeia. The settlement was first mentioned in 1123, its importance grew especially in the late Middle Ages, as it was the first Styrian outpost on the border with Kranjska and had a post office and a toll. Vransko has been successfully developed in the 19th century. In 1853 (or 1854) it became the seat of the district court and the tax office, received the constable station and had four annual fairs.

After the population in 1869 Vransko was one of the largest settlements on the "great white road" between Celje and Ljubljana and Kamnik. Otherwise, already in 1802 it started to operate regular overhead Postal Union (Graz) -Ljubljana Trieste.

Market rights with the coat of arms is carved on the facade of the former town hall, has received Vransko 1868. In 1902 was built a new school.

Otherwise, Vransko hinterland known for its many historical and natural attractions. Among the religious buildings stand parish church of St. Michael with marble altar, the work of the famous sculptor F. Robbe, and the Church. Mohor and Fortunat in Stopnik bell from the year 1317th

Nearby Vransko are a few mansions and manors: Brode at Bolska, Mansion Podgrad a protected tree fund from the source stream Podgrajščica. Interesting is the "forts", the Gothic church of St. Jerome. In Stopnik the vestiges Stopnik Castle, the oldest in the Lower Savinja Valley.

In Ilovica nearby Vransko was between the 1st and 3rd century Roman brickyard that had been discovered during archaeological excavations prior to the construction of the motorway Arja vas-Vransko.



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Orgbafxn pri, ivfv/Pbapergr cvcr, unatvat

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