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Geocaching is for the Birds 1 Mystery Cache

Hidden : 08/04/2016
1.5 out of 5
2.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   large (large)

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Geocache Description:

Acorn Woodpecker

Melanerpes formicivorus

A clown-faced western woodpecker with a complicated social structure, living in small colonies. Best known for its habit of hoarding acorns: the birds drill small holes in a dead snag, then harvest acorns in fall and store them in these holes, to be eaten during winter. Such a "granary tree" may be used for generations and may be riddled with up to 50,000 holes. Nesting is a group activity, with several adults (up to 12 or more) taking part in incubating the eggs and feeding the young in a single nest.
Conservation status: Still widespread and common. Reliance on specific oak habitats may make it vulnerable to the effects of climate change.
Family: Woodpeckers
Habitat: Oak woods, groves, mixed forest, oak-pine canyons, foothills. Seldom away from oaks. Most common where several species of oaks occur together (this insures against total failure of local acorn crop, as different oaks respond to different conditions). May be in open oak groves near coast, pine-oak woods in mountains, streamside sycamores next to oak-covered hillsides.
This Geo art series has a final and you will need to find feathered birds near several of the caches.
To find the final answer this question.
A granary tree is used only once.
If true:n42 34.161 w83 34.266
If false: n42 34.266 w83 34.161

Additional Hints (No hints available.)