Time - 6pm to 9pm
Date - Friday 04/11/2016
Venue - Gymea Bowling Club (Behind Tradies) (Entry from lower back doors, next to bowling green)
This will be an official GIFF (Geocache International Film Festival)
We are proud to announce that Seemyshell with his Socks & Sandals team, (featuring Brewmaker, Aries44, PipesDownUnder and The Hancock Clan) will be representing Australia, as having been selected as one of the 16 finalists.
Seemyshell in conjunction with Ali600, would like to invite you to the official Geocaching International Film Festival.
Games from 6pm to the official screening being held at 8pm.
Food and Drinks can be purchased at the location. This is an official Geocache Film Festival event.
Seemyshell is known for his Vlogging and parts of this event will also be filmed for future Vlogs (Please inform Seemyshell if you do not wish to be filmed or photographed).
All welcome, family friendly event... So, put the dates in your diaries and log your attendance NOW along with the number of people you will be bringing..
Bistro meals and club priced drinks will be available.
Seemyshell and Ali600, have secured the Bottom Function Room for our event. Family and Friends are more than welcome.
Please bring your trackables for discovery and/or swapping (Make sure you drop off trackables in this event page)
- 5 Lesser-Known Souvenirs | Skimbosh
- A Cacher’s Worst Nightmare | gasgoose
- A Life of a ‘Change’ | cth-ulhu & DidaAnastasi
- Do you know GEOCACHING? | moramora1
- Geocaching, Orchestrated | Stingrayabbray
- Geo-Medics! | 4 boys explore
- It's not about the numbers | Lifechooser
- No Hints | DFurt
- NYC Caching: Muggle Madness! | LinedUpLikeLemmings
- Spitting the Dummy | Seemyshell
- That’s Not Trash | DNF Hound
- The DNF Squad | TheWanglers
- The FTF-Hunter | treasurehuntergd
- Traditional’s Experiences | NaxoMenX
- Trinket or Treasure? | cache4kings
- When I Geocache | MohnschnitteFortunen
***** Event is proudly sponsored by GEOSTUFF *****