Enjoy the Silence Traditional Cache
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Enjoy The Silence |
Durante um belo passeio por terras que adoramos, damos por nós sentados neste improvisado miradouro onde a panorâmica nos enche a alma, enquanto nas nossas cabeças ecoam versos que tudo dizem sobre este fantástico local. É o equilíbrio entre a obra do homem e da natureza!
Apreciem o silêncio...
'Words like violence
Break the silence
Come crashing in
Into my little world
Painful to me
Pierce right through me
Can't you understand
Oh my little girl
All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm
Vows are spoken
To be broken
Feelings are intense
Words are trivial
Pleasures remain
So does the pain
Words are meaningless
And forgettable'
Additional Hints
Qrfpr hz cbhpb cryn yngreny qvervgn r rapbagen-zr an gbpn.
Ire sbgb fcbvyre.