台北植物園於1986年由日本政府建立,各式植物依照不同主題、品種或文化代表性分區展出。遊客在園中可以看到上千種不同的植物以及不同的鳥類,當然也可以在此尋寶 :)。這個多重寶並不在植物園園區內,但獵人們需要進入植物園以完成各個階段的問題。
由植物園大門進入,遊客可以看到一個種滿各式植物的圓環,圓環上都是台灣當地的植物。請找出一種瀕臨絕種的台灣原生植物「葦草蘭」,並仔細閱讀他的解說牌。請問葦草蘭在植物學上的正式名稱有幾個字母?本題答案為 A 。注意生物學上的正式名稱通常用斜體來表示。
遊客可以在蓮花池中看到許多水生植物及水鳥,坐在池畔吹著微風絕對是周末午後的一大享受。環顧池畔可以看到一種石柱,在石柱上方刻有植物園的管理單位及其成立的年份,這個 4位數字年份為 B 。
在植物園中有一棟如下圖的日式建築,此建物建於1930年代,原始目的已不可考,後來則做為林業試驗所的宿舍使用。建物於宿舍廢棄後遭棄置多年,近年則終於獲得整建並對外開放參觀。遊客可在特定時段進入參觀,想像前人於此生活的情境。回歸本題,請問本建物的門牌號碼是南門町 C 。

在植物園的另一端有一棟建於清朝的建築物,他在1892年開工並於1894年完工,是清代巡撫巡視台灣時的宿舍。日本政府接手台灣後,此建物暫時被作為總督府使用直到 1919年新建的總督府(現在的總統府)完工,並將此建築物由西門一代搬移至現今位置。此題較為簡單,請問欽差行臺上共漆有幾個人像?答案為 D
藏寶點的座標為N25° XX.XXX’ E121° YY.YYY’,其中
XXXXX = (A + C) × D - D²
YYYYY = B × C ÷ A - A + D
Taipei Botanical Garden was established in 1986 by Japanese Government. In the garden, plants are introduced in differents topics according to their species or different representations in Chinese tradition. One can see thousands of different plants and many kinds of birds in the garden, and definetely, fulfill the multi cache here. :) The cache was not hidden inside the garden, but one have to enter the botanical garden in order to go through each stage.
Stage 1: The Indigenous Plants
Walking right from the gate of Botanical Garden, one can see a roundabout with many plants inside. Here are many kinds of native plants in Taiwan. Please find an endangered plant called "葦草蘭" and read the sign carefully. How many letters are in its formal name used in botanical researches? The answer is A . Note that formal names used in biology are usually written with Italic type.
Stage 2: Lotus Pond
Here at the side of lotus pond in the garden, one can see many kinds of aquatic plants and birds. Sitting aside the pond and feeling the light breeze is really enjoyable in an afternoon of weekend. Looking around the pondside, one can find some short stone pole. On top of the poles, the adminastrative agency of botanical garden and its establishing year are written. The 4-digit year is B .
Stage 3: Japanese Style Building
Inside the botanical garden, there is a Japanese style building as the image below. The building was built in 1930s and used as a dormitory of Forestry Research Institute later. Years passed, the dormitory was abandoned and finally got its chance to be recalled by Taiwanese Government these years. It was renovated recently and started to open to public. One can enter the house in specefic time and take a look inside imaging the old life in Taiwan. Back to the stage. What is the door number of this building? Nanmon-Cho C .

Stage 4: Guest House of Imperial Envoys
On the other side of botanical garden, there is another building built in Qing Dynasty. It was built in 1892 and completed in 1894 as a guest house for the envoy from Qing Empire. The building was assigned as presidential office of Japanese Government from 1895 to 1919 till the current one completed, and moved from its original location near West Gate to the botanical garden. This stage is easier. How many people are painted on the gates of the guest house? The answer is D .
Final Location
The final coordination is N 25 XX.XXX' E 121 YY.YYY', where
XXXXX = (A + C) × D - D²
YYYYY = B × C ÷ A - A + D
Please round XXXXX and YYYYY to integers.