To log this cache you must visit the coordinates above.
All the information necessary to answer these questions can be found above or by the observation of this place.
Then you must answer the following questions and send the answers to the following address jpp.geocaching@gmail.com
1. Is shale a metamorphic rock that is formed by pressure and temperature processes?
2. For the next questions, consider the image shown on the left. It is a photo of the parapet of the bridge where some shales were removed and numbered preposterously.
2.1. What are the predominant colors of these shales and which of the 5 shales has a darker shade?
2.2. Is there any shale present where it is possible to see its various layers arranged as leaves? Indicate the number(s)?
2.2.1 In the shale(s) indicated in the previous question, do the layers have varying or equivalent thicknesses?
3. Remembering that a human nail has a hardness superior to 2 and inferior to 3, the shale used in the construction of this bridge have a hardness superior or inferior to the one of the plaster?
4. (Optional) Take a picture with something geocache related in the coordinates!
Then you can make your "found it" online!