Depois de Pirate's Spot, outro sitio essencial para visitar para quem estiver na area. No Cape d'El Rei, vais estar rodeado pelo imenso areal da praia e pela agua do mar quando a mare esta cheia. O local constituiu um ponto de vista unico mesmo a entrada do Oceano Atlantico. Quando encontrares a cache mesmo no cimo do cabo, aproveita a experiencia e relaxa!
Consideracoes: Cuidado com a preia mar e com as arribas em erosao.
After Pirate' Spot, another spot I find essential for everyone to see and experience when visiting the area. At Cape d'El Rei, you can find yourself surrounded by the immense beach or, during the high tide, by water. It provides a unique point of view right next to the Atlantic Ocean. When you find the cache right at the top of the cape, enjoy the experience, and relax.
Practical Considerations: Watch out for the high tide and for the cliffs, as they are at risk of falling.