Please make plans to join us for another awesome geocoin and trackable event like no other you've seen before!
Thanks to everyone that has attended and supported our previous Coinapoloosa events, we've decided to host another!
Please be advised that all CDC guidelines for group gatherings in Ga. State Parks will be observed during the event, at this time mask are NOT required, but highly ENCOURAGED and social distancing measures will be practiced as well. Please do your part by following these guidelines and keeping yourself and others safe. I will update this page with an announcement about any changes as the CDC and park directors announce them. I am happy to answer any questions you may have on this matter
Now back to the fun stuff!
Each year we have had some of the rarest and HTF coins from years past you've only dreamt about or seen in pictures! everything from a v1 moun10bike, a complete set of jeep travel bugs, a rare geocacher of the month coin, the Going Caching museum, some of the rarest "P"ersonal tags around, and many one of a kind items you'll only see at Coinapaloosa!
And lets not forget the BIG geocoin poker tournament hosted by Georgia GeoCampers and our very own lowdollar (AKA: the most interesting geocacher in the world!) following our main event! Many awesome geocoins have been won and lost by the luck of the draw here in years past!
Because of the want, need and desire for many to travel from a little further than usual, we have decided to publish the event earlier for anyone that needs to make plans for overnight or weekend accommodations
You can plan to join the Georgia GeoCampers in the group camping area or make your own cabin or campground reservations at FDR State Park through their website
*** please make your reservations early if you don't plan to camp in the scout camp area ***
FDR State Park Reservations

If it's trackable, we want to see it!
Come join us Saturday March 13th, 11am-3pm in beautiful FDR State Park at the Event Center near Lake Franklin, for a truly unique geo-tracking event experience
A $5 daily park pass is required for each vehicle entering FDR State Park. Please visit for information regarding annual passes to GA State Parks.
How many of you have bought geocoins, travel bugs and other trackables just to put them in a drawer to collect dust with no real plan on what you're going to do with them?
How many of you have seen photos or icons of coins or trackables that were produced a few years before you got started geocaching and although you'd love to have one and add to your collection, you haven't seen one or know where to find one?
How many of you are just curious and want to know more about trackables, coins, personal swag, or want to ask questions on how to produce or buy them?
Well, here's your chance to pull out those old geo-treasures and dust them off for show and tell and/or buy and sell... , bring your questions, browse, beg, buy, barter and swap those trackables!
Join us for some great deals and steals on some rare trackables... see and log a moun10bike coin up close, discover a rare "geocacher of the month" geocoin, see some rare mystery coins, trade some awesome travel tags, see some personal coins only available for trade.
You never know what you might see and quite possibly have the opportunity to buy or sell... join us for this one of a kind event FOR geocachers, BY geocachers!
Tickets will be available to purchase for a Chinese auction with some very cool unactivated coins and trackables, All proceeds from the auction will be donated to the park for program funding.!
Not really interested in Buying or selling but want to show off your collection? problem! Bring your collection and share them with everyone.
***Important information you may want to know or have questions about***
1.) Cool idea! how do I get a table to sell or show off my collection? please contact me directly with details of your desire to sell or display. ...There should be plenty of space for everyone, but I like a little organization and not just a free for all... please contact me no later than Feb. 24th
2.) Speaking of free, how much does it cost for table space? Nothing! Nada! Zero! Zilch! ...As long as you contact me first as requested! ...Those that just show up expecting to set up will be asked to pay a "dunce" fee $25 to the park for not being able to follow directions... (while donations are accepted and appreciated for the Chinese auction, no commission fees for selling space will be required to participate at this event)
3.) What if I want to come just hand out my tracking codes to folks and leave my collection at home for everyone to discover? Well, plainly put, ...that's lame! ...why would you squander the opportunity to show off those awesome coins you decided to collect? ...bring them, show them off, and watch folks turn green with envy about them (or quite possibly offer you a nice sum for them if they desire)
4.) I've got coins I want to sell and coins only available to discover, what do I do? ...Great!, that means you'll be pulling double duty, working hard to answer questions, barter deals, and watch folks walk away with a smile on their faces! ...I like the fact you're not afraid of work and are enthused enough about this event to help make it successful...
5.) I've got no idea what trackables are, but want to learn more, do I go grab trackables from caches and bring them to the event? ...NO need to go out of the way and do all that ...while you can bring trackables to swap and travel with someone else or on to another cache from here, I don't encourage you to just bring them and drop them off with hopes someone will pick them up when all is said and done... any and all TB's listed in the event inventory afterwards will be marked missing...if you pick up a TB or trackable at this or any event, please make sure that you log it out so it continues it's traveling journey...
...and finally some additional 411 and cool links you may find interesting... always, feel free to contact me with questions, ideas, or something I may not have covered...
Do you practice trackable etiquette? Take the Geocaching Trackable Etiquette Quiz to see, and if you did poorly, check out the trackable Etiquette 411 and trackable basics. Need new Travel Bugs and other types of new trackables? Need ideas for Travel Bug hitch hikers? Visit the Trackable Gallery and see all types of trackables, and watch the flight of Travel Bugs as they crisscross the globe.
Travel Bug HQ