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Arco Da Memoria Traditional Cache

Hidden : 06/03/2020
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Geocache Description:

Arco da Memória– O Arco da Memória que actualmente existe é uma reconstrução do original e está situado em casais da memória que pertence à freguesia de Vidais e ao Concelho de Caldas da Rainha.
Mas o verdadeiro Arco da Memória situa-se a uma zona a que já se pertence a Rio Maior.
Segundo se diz, em 27 de Setembro de 1147 vindo o rei D. Afonso Henriques de Coimbra em direção a Santarém com o objetivo de conquistar o castelo da cidade aos mouros.
Estas doações eram necessárias pois o território português era muito despovoado e era importante proteger os territórios conquistados, repovoar estes e incentivar a agricultura.
Com o intuito de homenagear o rei, os monges de Cister pertencentes ao Mosteiro de Santa Maria de Alcobaça mandaram construir diversos monumentos dos quais este arco faz parte. Inicialmente só havia uma estátua mostrando D. Afonso Henriques empunhando a sua espada, mais tarde é que foi construído o arco para suportar a estátua. As dimensões do arco seriam de cinco metros de altura, seis de largura e um de espessura.

Arco da Memória - The Memory Arch that currently exists is a reconstruction of the original and is located in couples of memory that belongs to the parish of Vidais and the Municipality of Caldas da Rainha.
But the true Arch of Memory is located in an area that Rio Maior already belongs to.
As it is said, on September 27, 1147, King D. Afonso Henriques of Coimbra came to Santarém with the objective of conquering the castle of the city from the Moors.
These donations were necessary because the Portuguese territory was very unpopulated and it was important to protect the conquered territories, repopulate them and encourage agriculture.
In order to honor the king, the Cistercian monks belonging to the Monastery of Santa Maria de Alcobaça ordered the construction of several monuments of which this arch is part. Initially, there was only one statue showing D. Afonso Henriques wielding his sword, later the arch was built to support the statue. The dimensions of the arch would be five meters high, six wide and one thick.

Memory Arch - De Memory Arch die momenteel bestaat, is een reconstructie van het origineel en bevindt zich in geheugenparen die behoren tot de parochie van Vidais en de gemeente Caldas da Rainha.
Maar de echte Arch of Memory bevindt zich in een gebied waar Rio Maior al toe behoort.
Zoals gezegd, kwam koning D. Afonso Henriques van Coimbra op 27 september 1147 naar Santarém met als doel het kasteel van de stad te veroveren van de Moren.
Deze donaties waren nodig omdat het Portugese grondgebied erg onbevolkt was en het belangrijk was om de veroverde gebieden te beschermen, ze opnieuw te bevolken en de landbouw aan te moedigen.
Om de koning te eren, gaven de cisterciënzer monniken van het klooster van Santa Maria de Alcobaça opdracht tot de bouw van verschillende monumenten waarvan deze boog deel uitmaakt. Aanvankelijk was er maar één standbeeld waarop D. Afonso Henriques zijn zwaard hanteerde, later werd de boog gebouwd om het beeld te ondersteunen. De afmetingen van de boog zouden vijf meter hoog, zes breed en één dik zijn.

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