FOOFY: Cache is being archived. Unfortunately it has become a location where people are dumping bags of garbage. It is unfortunate because the area used to be so beautiful. I went here to do maintenance, and was very disappointed about the garbage.
GC97C5J ▼
Size:  (small)
The road is flanked on either side by mangroves and ria, which is home to many types of birds including Flamingos, Rosetta Spoon Bills, and Herons. While placing this cache I came across a crab as well as needle fish. The cache is an easy find and road-side. The purpose of this cache is to show you the amazing birdlife in the area. The container is a plastic jar (camouflaged). Contains a Log Book, Pencil and some Prizes. - Enjoy
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A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M ------------------------- N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z
(letter above equals below, and vice versa)
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