SK Extreme 01 Virtual Cache
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You are looking for a Canadian Topographical Survey benchmark. The only access is by water. You may also encounter difficult terrain, bush, rock, and a steep slope.
This Canadian benchmark is a brass plate imbedded in the rock near the shore of a small island. The island has suitable spots for camping with small tent(s). There is a store and fuel available at Brabant Lake. There is parking near the lake but it's not recommended you leave your vehicle there over night. Arrange to leave it at the store instead. WARNING: Brabant Lake can be quite rough for small craft. Leave early in the morning to avoid the afternoon winds. This island is a stop I use on Saskatchewan Canoe route Number 33 Brabant to McLennan Lake. (Link no longer available)
A physical visit is required to log this cache. Virtual logging is not permitted and such logs will be deleted.
To prove you where there you must send me by email two pieces of information:
1. Get the number of the benchmark (NO _ _ _ )
2. Take note that one of the digits was obviously struck twice into the metal but not in exactly the same place. Identify which digit in the three above was double struck.
PLEASE don't include answers in your log.
Additional Hints
Nf vf glcvpny, gurer vf n ynetr ebpx pnvea (cvyr bs ebpxf) irel arne jurer gur oenff cyngr vf rzorqqrq.