Sun Moon Lake Youth Activity Center is located in the Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area, surrounded by mountains and rivers, and adjacent to Itathao (formerly known as Dehuashe). It is quiet, elegant, and alive in the lakes and mountains. The annual average temperature in Sun Moon Lake is about 20 The climate is stable, and the four seasons are like spring. The National Salvation Corps Sun Moon Lake Youth Activity Center is located at an altitude of 800 meters, covering an area of nearly nine hectares, with greenery everywhere, and the beauty is like a fairyland.
日月潭青年活動中心座落於日月潭國家風景區中,依山傍水,鄰近伊達邵 ( 舊稱德化社 ) ,恬靜、格局高雅、在湖光山色中更顯露幾分靈氣,日月潭地區年平均溫度約 20 度,氣候穩定,四季如春;救國團日月潭青年活動中心所在位置海拔 800 公尺 ,幅員近九公頃,遍地綠茵,美如仙境,歷久而彌新。