Butterfly Effect
"Zamah kril majhnega metulja lahko čez nekaj tednov vodi v uničujoč orkan na drugem koncu sveta."
Najmanjša odločitev lahko dramatično spremeni prihodnost. Tvoja dejanja bodo oblikovala, kako se zgodba odvije. Tvoja zgodba je le ena izmed mnogih, zato svoja dejanja izberi previdno.
Večkrat v življenju nas čakajo razpotja, na katerih sami sprejemamo odločitve, ki nato krojijo našo zgodbo. Pa vendar, ste se kdaj zamislili, da morda vaše odločitve spremenijo tudi življenje koga drugega ne le vas? Morda tudi koga, ki ga sploh nikoli ne boste spoznali, na drugem koncu sveta.

Tvoja pot je le ena izmed mnogih.
Zaklad Butterfly Effect ali učinek metulja vas popelje v svet odločitev in prav vsaka izmed njih šteje. Vsak geolovec si na terenu kroji svojo zgodbo. Nekatere odločitve vas popeljejo naprej, nekatere popolnoma spremenijo potek vaše zgodbe in spet druge pa vam izgubijo igro. Če se uspešno prebijete skozi vse, se lahko vpišete v dnevnik.
Za reševanje wherigo kartuše upoštevajte:
- Priporočava reševanje na Android sitemih, kjer je bila kartuša tudi največkrat testirana. Na iOS sistemih lahko pride do težav s predvajanjem zvoka in prikazovanjem nekaterih slik, drugače je kartuša delovala. Na Garmin napravah kartuša verjetno ne bo delovala pravilno in na njih ni bila testirana.
- Zaslon na telefonu naj bo ves čas prižgan. Predlagava, da si v nastavitvah nastavite, da se zaslon ne ugasne. To lahko stortite tako v aplikaciji kot v nastavitvah telefona. Če se zaslon ugasne wherigo kartuša v ozadju ne deluje in na ta način lahko zgrešite nekatere izmed lokacij. To pomeni, da bi se morali vračati po poti nazaj, saj morate nekatere izmed teh lokacij nujno obiskati predno vam bo na voljo nadaljevanje zgodbe.
- Ena izmed stopenj je lahko nedosegljiva po 21. uri zvečer, zato zakladek rešujte podnevi.
- Ves čas imejte prižgan zvok na telefonu.
- Zaklad pokriva večje razdalje, zato za reševanje potrebujete avtomobil.
- Ocenjujeva, da vam bo reševanje zaklada vzelo več kot 6 ur.
Za prenos slovenske wherigo kartuše kliknite na sliko in pri prenosu izberite možnost prenosa Pocket PC kartuše

Pisalo se je leto 1555, ko se je mlad fant odpravil do novozgrajenega vodnega stolpa ob Dravi. Ni vedel kaj ga čaka, zato je s seboj vzel bakren prstan, ki mu ga je ob 7. rojstnem dnevu podarila mati. Verjel je, da mu bo prinesel srečo. Čeprav je vedel, da naloga ne bo lahka, je zakladnica, ki se mu obeta, edina, ki lahko njegovo družino reši revščine. Ko je stal pred vrati, je v žepu še zadnjič v roko prijel prstan in zašepetal: “Prosim, nakloni mi srečo.” Ozrl se je k velikim lesenim vratom, prijel za kljuko in vstopil.
Nekateri pravijo, da je zgornja zgodba le stara izmišljena pravljica. Nihče tudi ne ve, kako se nadaljuje. Je fant našel zakladnico? Kje je sploh zakladnica? Je bila že odkrita? Kaj je v njej? Ali sploh obstaja? In kje sploh začeti z iskanjem?
Če najdete svojo pot skozi Butterfly Effect, si lahko na svoj profil dodate spodnji banner (povezava posodobljena 31.3.2024), tako da si v opis svojega profila dodate besedilo:
<p style="text-align:center;"><a href="https://coord.info/GC9K1GA" target="_blank"><img src=" https://img.geocaching.com:443/2d7e1529-d1d6-4454-adca-b658173660a5.png" alt=”Butterfly Effect banner: Please contact the owners if the image does not display or check if a new link has been added on the cache page (GC9K1GA).” /></a></p>
Butterfly Effect
"A tiny butterfly flapping its wings today may lead to a devastating hurricane weeks from now.
The smallest decision can dramatically change the future. Your actions will shape how the story unfolds. Your story is one of many possibilities. Choose your actions carefully.
Often in life, we face forks in the road where we make decisions that shape our life story. But have you ever thought that your decisions could change someone else's life, not just your own? Maybe even someone you will never meet, on the other side of the world.

Your story is one of many possibilities.
The cache Butterfly Effect takes you into a world of decisions and every single one of them counts. Every geocacher shapes their own story on the field. Some decisions take you forward, some completely change the course of the story, and others lose you the game. If you successfully navigate through them all, you can sign the logbook.
For solving the Wherigo cartridge we recommend:
- Using Android devices, since that is where the cartridge was mostly tested. There may be problems with the sound and display of some of the images on iOS devices, otherwise the cartridge works. The cartridge probably won't work correctly on Garmin devices and has not been tested on them at all.
- Keep the phone screen on at all times. It is recommended to set the screen to not turn off in the settings, either in the app or in the phone settings. If the screen turns off, the Wherigo cartridge will not work in the background and you may miss some of the locations. That means that you would have to walk back, since you have to visit some of these locations in order to continue the story.
- One of the stages may be inaccessible after 9:00 PM, so we recommend solving the cache during the day.
- Keep the sound on the phone turned on at all times.
- The cache covers a larger distance, so you need a car to solve it.
- We estimate that solving the cache will take more than 6 hours of your time.
Click on the image to download the English Wherigo cartridge, and choose the Pocket PC cartridge download option during the download.

It was the year 1555 when a young man set out to the newly built water tower near the Drava River. He didn’t know what awaited him, so he took a copper ring that his mother gave him on his 7th birthday. He believed it would bring him luck. Although he knew the task would not be easy, the treasure that awaited him was the only one that could save his family from poverty. When he stood in front of the door, he grabbed the ring one last time in his pocket and whispered: "Please, grant me luck." He looked at the big wooden door, grabbed the handle and entered.
Some say that the story above is just an old fairy tale. And no one knows how it ends. Did the young man find the treasure? Where is the treasure even located? Has it been discovered yet? What's in it? Does it even exist? And where would you even start?
If you manage to find your own path through the Butterfly Effect, you can add the following banner (updated 31.3.2024) to your profile by adding the text below into the description of your profile:
<p style="text-align:center;"><a href="https://coord.info/GC9K1GA" target="_blank"><img src=" https://img.geocaching.com:443/2d7e1529-d1d6-4454-adca-b658173660a5.png" alt=”Butterfly Effect banner: Please contact the owners if the image does not display or check if a new link has been added on the cache page (GC9K1GA).” /></a></p>