West Midlands 2022
An evening at the Races
When: Tuesday 2nd August, 19:00
Where: Uttoxeter Racecourse Bar, ST14 8BD
Come along and join us for an evening of Horse Racing with a difference.
Race Night – organisation for the evening?
If you wish to come along to the event and just watch the races, then that’s fine by us but if you want to use our token wagers then read on. Due to Venue & Jockey Club rules, we are not allowed to use money and gamble at the Racecourse and so we have invented a fun way to make wagers and win prizes at the end of the evening 😊, whilst covering our costs.
£4 entry fee – entitles you to wager on a maximum of 2 horses in each race – wrist band will be issued and a pack of fun money or tokens to wager with – (no band no bet). You may wager 2 tokens on each race so either 2 on one horse or 1 on each of 2 horses.
Each race has 8 horses – each Race selected by a random member of the audience
Recorders hand out “wager tickets” to each client with a wrist band, for their selected horses and collect your tokens bet from you.
Race is introduced and run via the Racecourse TV system and/or projector – all commentary is done in horse numbers and not by horse names
Winner is announced. Clients with winning tickets exchange their “Win” tickets for fun money at the rate of 4/1 plus the stake, with the Recorders
15 minutes minimum will be needed between races to allow bar orders and organisers to get ready for the next race – additional fun money packs may be available during the evening depending on the number of people who purchased on entry.
The “Winners Enclosure” (swap shop will open and everyone with more than 8 fun money tokens can come select a prize from the table) - person with the highest number of tokens at the end of the night will win a Years Free Premium Membership with Groundspeak which can be applied to your account at any time and add on to your current length of subscription

If you wish to include the Event Badge on your profile, please copy the following text:
<a href="https://coord.info/GC9MDXR"><img src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/gs-geo-images/d0c05be5-8571-4592-878b-8e831fc32bcb_l.png" width="240" alt="I attended An evening at the Races on 2 August 2022"></a> |
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