Welcome to the mystical realm of Roovendell!
Cache is not at posted coordinates.
Here are links to full-size Roovendell map and a legend of map symbols (needed for finding the caches, see below)
This cache is the user's manual for a series of 12 caches in the area. So you only have to read one (long) cache page for 12 caches. Not a bad deal, right?
The caches are hidden on the remote western peninsula of Fountainhead Regional Park. Use your GPS to navigate to the “Start” waypoint (pink triangle on the map) and then use the topographic map and legend of map symbols provided to navigate to the numbered circles; the containers are hidden at the center of these circles. Each cache page has a zoomed-in image of the target area, some (possibly) helpful text, as well as hide and navigation tips in the hints section. The micros are all in plain view and not camouflaged, and the bigger containers are all hidden in a normal manner--the difficulty reflects finding GZ more than finding the container.
Four of the caches hold clues to unlock the final “bonus” cache, Roovendell 12: Gigantor 🕹️ . The caches are numbered in a loop circuit, but they may be completed in any order (except #12). It is about 1.25 miles from parking to the “Start” waypoint, which is at the top of the Hill of Doom on the blue trail. From there, the course loop is about 3.5 miles. Take the Back Alley to return from #12 to the trail. That makes round trip about 6 miles (math is hard!) Net elevation gain is roughly 500 feet.
If you have had experience orienteering (or otherwise navigating via topo map), have completed any of my Toponaut series of caches, or in general like to be adventurous and challenge yourself, you can print out the map and go. If you are less sure of your navigating capabilities, there are some options for you. Choose your level of adventure:
Novice 🥔 |
map approximate cache locations at home using an online topo map and save them on your GPSr/phone; use these waypoints to get close; use map/description as last resort |
Cacher 🐩 |
use posted waypoints (Start and Smuggler’s Cove) and existing cache locations in the area to orient yourself; use map as needed when nearby |
Master 🥷 |
use only paper map, compass, and cache pages to navigate terrain and find the caches |
Deity 👑 |
use only paper map for finds, and include a limerick in at least one of your found-it logs |
If you're running map-only, posting gpx tracks 🚆 is welcomed! For any orienteering folk out there that stumbled upon this, it works like a static course. Just start your timer at "Start", visit the 12 locations in order(noting clues along the way), and proceed to download to record your time in the log.
Optional access I: Hiker's Paradise 🥾🏞️
The area is also accessible from the lot across from Bull Run Marina. This route adds a couple of miles to the round trip (as well as a few hundred feet of elevation gain). However, it traverses one of the most scenic sections of the blue trail. There is ample parking in the lot.
Optional access II: Surf and Turf 🦞🐄
To bypass the 2.5 miles of blue trail required to reach the area, you can opt for a 4 mile (round trip) paddle from the Fountainhead Marina to Smuggler's Cove. Start with Smuggler's Rock (#6) and choose how to complete the others before ending at the bonus (#12). Keep in mind the navigation tips in the hints may no longer be pertinent to your approach.
Finally, here are a few general tips for navigating
- Light green areas on the map denote vegetation or deadfall that would be difficult to run through.
- Open black circles are piles of rocks; solid black dots are single boulders.
- Black X’s are man made objects.
- Moss likes to grow on the edge of old roads. The roads in the area are not maintained and can be difficult to follow.
- Rotate the map to match the direction you are moving and "thumb" your position as you go along, looking for features as you walk. For example, here is how I held the map as I walked from the main trail down Back Alley towards #11. I was on the road and the next thing I was looking for was an intersection with a trail on my right where there were several berms and nearby was denser undergrowth:
Good luck!
Credits: I'd like to thank my family for the several brainstorming sessions we held over the last year to name the caches and the series.
There are contour lines that you must cross
On descent to the creek lined with moss
The black dots are things
That mark rocks by the spring
First one: time to show them who's boss!
Placed with the approval of: