When we were doing a walk from Gudgenby Cottage to middle creek we came past this impressive granite tor hiding among the trees. Worth an exploration and climb if you are up for it. (After the Belco Teaser a proper tor to explore)
Access is from various starting points, I would not recommend to come via middle creek atm. Walking/riding in via Rendevous Creek track works or walking past Gudgenby Homestead should be fine too. You can stay on paths till you are south-west below the Tor about 150m away.
Here is Dino on top of the Gudgenby Tor enjoying the view (no we didn't hide the cache up there :)

To get to the caches you have to find your way into a small cave at the bottom of the granite rocks. Best to approach the boulders from the north. You can go in throuhg the hidden 'doorway'.