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Firštov golaž Mystery Cache

Hidden : 06/24/2023
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Geocache Description:

Firštov golaž

Firštov divjačinski golaž spada med jedi slovenske kulinarične tradicije, saj je po izročilu povezan z nekoč znamenitimi lovišči deželnih knezov, ki so se skozi stoletja bohotila v okoliških gozdovih Kamniške Bistrice.

“Zgodovinski viri nam izpričujejo, da je v kamniških gozdovih s svojo družbo lovil Karl II., sin rimsko-nemškega cesarja Ferdinanda I. Beseda firšt izvira iz nemške besede furst, kar pomeni knez oziroma vladar,” je povedal prof. dr. Janez Bogataj, ki je odločilno prispeval k “lovu” za avtohtonimi slovenskimi recepti, med njimi tudi Firštovega golaža. “Divjačinski golaž je skozi stoletja pridobil pridih romantičnosti a hkrati izgubil izvirno recepturo. 


Sestavine (za 4 osebe):

  • 4 srednje velike korene
  • 36 dag mesa kamniške divjadi, pleče (gams, srna ali jelen)
  • vršiček timijana
  • 8 cl belega, polsuhega vina
  • 20 dag sušenih gob
  • lovorov list
  • 12 dag zelenjave (korenina peteršilja, gomolj zelene, koleraba)
  • 24 dag čebule
  • žlička mlete paprike dve žlički paradižnikove mezge


Čebulo očistimo in drobno sesekljamo. Na segreti maščobi prepražimo čebulo, da zarumeni, dodamo na koščke narezano meso, nekoliko prepražimo, dodamo na kocke narezano zelenjavo, sesekljane (suhe) gobe, strt česen, lovorov list, mezgo, papriko, sol in druge začimbe. Zalijemo z jušno osnovo in vinom, dušimo. Golaž naj počasi vre, dokler meso ni mehko.

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Firšt's goulash

Firšt's venison goulash is one of the dishes of Slovenian culinary tradition, as it is traditionally linked to the once-famous hunting grounds of the princes of the region, which flourished in the surrounding forests of Kamniška Bistrica over the centuries.

"Historical sources tell us that Karl II, the son of the Roman-German Emperor Ferdinand I, hunted in the forests of Kamnik with his company. The word 'firšt' comes from the German word furst, which means 'prince' or 'ruler'," said Prof. Dr Janez Bogataj, who has made a decisive contribution to the hunt for indigenous Slovenian recipes, including Firšt's goulash. "Over the centuries, venison goulash has acquired a touch of romanticism, but at the same time it has lost its original recipe. 


Ingredients (for 4 persons):

  • 4 medium sized carrots
  • 36 dag of venison, shoulder (gams, roe deer or deer)
  • sprig of thyme
  • 8 cl white, semi-dry wine
  • 20 dag dried mushrooms
  • bay leaf
  • 12 dag vegetables (parsley root, celery tuber, kohlrabi)
  • 24 dag onions
  • teaspoon ground paprika two teaspoons tomato paste


Clean and finely chop the onion. Fry the onion in the heated fat until golden brown, add the sliced meat, fry slightly, add the diced vegetables, the chopped (dry) mushrooms, the grated garlic, the bay leaf, the sauce, the paprika, the salt and the other spices. Pour in the stock and wine and simmer. Let the goulash simmer slowly until the meat is tender.

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Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Mn qbfgbc qb qariavxn qboeb cerzršnw tbynž / Gb npprf gur ybtobbx, fgve gur tbhynfu jryy

Decryption Key


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