I don't think they even do this anymore in school but I happened upon a place where I could sort of replicate the experience. Of course most of us cachers probably weigh more than we did back in elementary school and this is not any kind of controlled environment so: DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!!! I take no responsibility for anyone else's actions or injuries. Evaluate the environment and your own abilities and make your own decision as to whether or not to attempt to go after this cache.
And for those of you that goofed off back in gym class I'm sure you'll find some sort of work around and you might be able to sign the log without following the original intent of the activity but hey I guess getting a "D" is still passing... I'm even ok with group finds or tools used, etc. That said, if your name is not on the log, I reserve the right to give you an "F" and delete your log for lack of effort.
Update 12/14/23: So far a few people have had a hard time screwing the container back together while hanging up there on the "rope". I may be a tough teacher that you hope you don't get stuck with but I'm not completely unreasonable. If you actually climb the "rope" and turn in a photo of yourself touching the cache container while on the "rope" I'll accept that in lieu of an actual signature. Consider that as me "grading on a curve".
Also this is in a pre-approved Fairfax County park open from dawn to dusk so if you are there after dark you are immediately getting expelled from school...