This will mark 8 years that we have been holding this Event.
Come and say Goodbye from 8:00 AM to 8:30 AM to the Canadians as PhilatSea and fellow Canadians leave Yuma for San Diego, Phoenix and points north for our flight home to the frozen north.
So come out and say Good-Bye again as we liked it a lot in 2023 as154 people logged the last event we held. Sorry to all those that thought they said Goodbye for the final time. We turn up like an old penny, speaking of which we don't have those in Canada. Instead we now have have Charles III on our coins and some bills. First King in 70 years on our money. They also brought back the 50 cent piece for this.
Also note when it says the event ends at 830 it ends at 830 as we have to leave as we are hopefully headed to Mexico for the next Event. If you arrive at 831 you will miss us.
There is lots of parking as this in held beside a huge parking lot.