Welcome to my first time hosting a CITO!
I know a lot of cachers are trying to claim/get/acquire a lot of different types of caches for Leap Day and I thought I would help out a little.
Hope you can join me in cleaning up the environment a little bit one day at a time.
The area in circled in yellow in the picture below is our primary focus but basically the whole area can be cleaned up.

We have been asked to leave the trash near the red dot in the picture. They plan to pick up the trash the next day (hopefully in the morning).
All are all welcome.
Make that immediate left as you come into the lot from the light so you don't have to turn around. Wheelchair accessible. Distancing is easy here.
It's outdoors, so should be pretty safe, but your geo-buddies thank you for not coming if you might be contagious with COVID, the flu, etc. We'd rather see you when you're feeling better.