Am I the only Michigan geocacher who has not attended an event in Mackinac County? I will be at the Straits State Park getting my ticket punched. I hope some caching friends will stop and say hello on their way to Cheeseburger in Paradise (GCAJQPH).
Here is the schedule for the weeks worth of events:
Friday: 1:00-1:30 pm Help a cacher out.
6:00 pm Cheeseburger in Paradise
Saturday: 8:00 am I love the smell of Tahquamenon in the morning
6:00 pm Caching Stories round the Camp Fire
Sunday: 8:00 am Have you ever eaten here before 5 ?
2:30 pm The Measure of the Keweenaw
Monday: 8:30 am Cache up on breakfast.
12:30 pm Watersmeet Roadside Park
6:00 pm No Band Aids Needed
Tuesday: 10:00 am Channing Park Meet and Greet
2:00 pm Da Yoopers
Wensday: Travel/Caching day
Thursday: 9:00 am Breakfast Meet and Greet
2:30 pm Sand Point Lighthouse
Friday: 10:00 am Wagner Falls Meet and Great
6:00 pm Indian Lake