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Izmenjava TB & GC / TB & GC exchange - XIII. Event Cache

This cache has been archived.

Geocaching HQ Admin: Thank you for hosting this geocaching Event! The date of the Event has passed. We automatically archive Events after 30 days (60 days for Mega- and Giga-Events). Attendees can still log archived Events, log trackables, and share their experiences.

Hidden : Saturday, 14 December 2024
1 out of 5
1 out of 5

Size: Size:   other (other)

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Geocache Description:

Spet je tisti posebni čas, ko lučke zažarijo po mestu in okolici. Ponovno ste toplo vabljeni na najstarejši ponavljajoči dogodek prirejan s strani domače ekipe (če zanemarimo, da nismo niti izvorni organizatorji). Na 13. jubilejnem decembrskem dogodku za izmenjavo sledljivčkov bo spet prilika tudi za dirkanje! 😉


Praznična Ljubljana

Namen dogodka je izmenjava sledljivčkov, obenem pa ogled praznične Ljubljane, ki bo s svojimi stojnicami in praznično osvetlitvijo popestrila dogajanje v našem glavnem mestu. Vabljeni ste vsi, stari mački in tisti, ki se še niste udeležili nobenega srečanja, ali imate recimo trenutno pod deset najdb.

Vsi, ki želijo izmenjati sledljivčke (lahko se nam pridružite tudi brez menjave), jih morajo "elektronsko oddati v zaklad" še pred dogodkom (Log your visit > Will Attend > za izbrane sledljivčke izberete možnost Dropped Off). Izmenjate lahko neomejeno število sledljivčkov.

Sledljivčke oddate v označeno škatlo, nakar sledi skupinsko fotografiranje. Potem pa bomo opravili vsakoletno menjavo. Vsak vzame toliko sledljivčkov, kot jih je prinesel (zaželjeno).

Udeleženci se zberemo nekaj minut pred zapovedano uro, da lahko  z izmenjavo začnemo točno ob 16. uri.

Uradni del dogodka bo trajal najmanj predpisane pol ure do mraka, nato nadaljujemo z neobveznim druženjem, dokler nas mraz ne prežene. V primeru dežja ali snega, bo lokacija sporočena par ur prej.



This is the longest recurring event on Slovene soil held by local team, don't take in our disadvantage that we adobted it 5 years ago! Nevertheless main purpose is exchange of trackables, together with the visit of capital city with all festive decorations, Christmas stands etc.

To participate you must be willing to swap at least one TB or GC, which you drop in the event in advance. You can exchange as many trackables as you want.

We will meet few minutes before stated time, just to be ready to start the exchange at 4 pm sharp. When everybody will put down their trackables in a prepared box, then it'll be an ideal moment for group photo. Each participant takes an equal number from the box as he placed them down.

The event program ends around half hour later at dusk, after the photoshooting and selfies are completed, but you are free to stay as long as you want or maybe get a glass of mulled wine downtown. In case of too much rain or snow, the event might be moved to the underground passage nearby. So don't forget to log your Will attend!

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Eboobi ibqawnx / Eboon'f Sbhagnva

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)