It All Started Here... Locationless (Reverse) Cache
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Do you remember when Starbucks was just that single coffee house in Pike Place Market in Seattle? Do you walk by the very first McDonald's every day to work, shop at the original Sears, or swim at the very first YMCA? This locationless is designed to document the original sites of those organizations, chains, and other entities or institutions that grew into household names and/or gained widespread awareness.
It All Started Here...
The Very First Starbucks - Pike Place Market, Seattle
From humble beginnings to worldwide domination - this cache is designed to locate and catalog the original sites of those businesses, organizations, franchises and other entities that have become part of our consciousness with their unparalleled growth and success.
To claim this cache as a find, you MUST fulfill the following requirements:
- Locate the original site of a business, organization or entity that has grown into a major national or multinational chain, franchise or cultural entity. For a business to qualify as "major", it must have at least 10 locations that are geographically dispersed (ideally at least a 1,000-mile spread); for other entities, they must have international or at least widespread appeal and use. I'm looking for places and things that people have actually heard of, not the first Joe's Doughnuts of which there are three all down the block from one another in Dogpatch, Arkansas. The entity should be recognized as a leader in its category in some way.
- Please remember that I am interested in the original starting locations of these businesses or entities, not necessarily the current headquarters or flagship stores. If the "first" location moved down the street to a new building at some time, I am only interested in that original location, not the new one.
- Upload a photo of yourself and/or your GPSr with your chosen site. If a picture is not uploaded within a reasonable time (2 weeks), or if your picture does not include your GPSr, then your log will be deleted without warning. This way, I can insure that you actually visited the site.
- In your log, supply a link to a source supporting the contention that this is the original site of your chosen organization/entity. If such supporting information is not supplied with your log, then your log will be deleted without warning.
- Post the coordinates of your chosen site with your log.
- Please, only log a find on this cache once, and please don't log a find on a location that has already been so logged.
Please note, I am NOT interested in submissions of the corporate headquarters of a business unless it can be shown (through links to supporting evidence) that those headquarters are where the business first came into being.
Thank you, and have fun!
Maps and listing last updated March 30, 2005
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