Here it is:
Built between 1593 and 1613, by order of King Filipe I of
Portugal (Filipe II of Spain), during the "Filipinos" era, this
monumental Aqueduct has 180 arches and more than 6km and was
destinated to supply water to Christ Church in Tomar. In some
parts, the aqueduct has two rows of arches.
The hunt
To this hunt, I prepared two approaches; One for radical
geocachers who wish to walk over the Aqueduct - as I did - and
another to Geocachers who prefer a smoth hunt and/or have kids with
For the first ones: Park in N 39º36.473 W 8º26.680 and walk over
the Aqueduct in direction to the cache. Feel the sensation, the
air, look and ear the small river in the valey and admire the
For the others: Park in N 39º36.478 W 8º26.274 and go to the
Logbook, pencil, sharpener and an old 2,5 PTE coin.
Don't forget:
"Cache in, trash out" and Leave No

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