Quaker Moats Traditional Cache
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This cache was spit from the bowels of the very earth, forged in the volcanic crucible of the Earth's mantle. Beware!
Mammoth and much of the Eastern Sierras is an incredibly active geologic area, rife with volcanos and earthquakes. Signs of this activity are ubiquitous, from Inyo Craters (depressions left by an eruption millions of years ago), to the ubiquitous pummice (now blanketing the area after being blown from a subterranean pocket across the landscape in a previous eruption), to the scads of obsidian to be found everywhere.
Earthquakes have had a dramatic impact on the terrain, as well. They have opened huge cracks in the ground--some are so deep and wide, they look like castle moats.
This cache is near the heart of Mammoth Lakes, right off 203 on the way up to the Main Lodge, and will show you a particularly dramatic illustration of a quaker's moat.
The cache is a camoflauged ammo can. There are lots of muggles around, so be sure to replace the cache firmly where you find it, fully out of sight.
There is no need to cross any fence to reach the cache, and it will probably be inaccessible once the snow stacks up.
Additional Hints
[Hint 1]: Jngpu sbe Zbeybpxf!
[Hint 2]: Na rntyr'f rlr jba'g svaq vg, ohg n tbcure'f zvtug.
[Hint 3]: Va n zbng.
[Hint 4]: Haqre snyyra gerr.