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BirdCave, Ascension Island Traditional Cache

Hidden : 02/27/2004
1.5 out of 5
3 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

This cache is situated on Ascension Island, which is about 800 miles North of St Helena.

The cache is situated in a lava flow on an extinct volcanic island. Best get a local Ordinance Survey map of the Island. The easiest route is by starting at the fast taxiway at the end of the runway. At Booby Hill go past the three blocked Hornitos and follow the path to the red dirt basin in the water course. Follow the trail of Hash left by the local Hash House Harriers. The trail consists of blobs of shredded paper and it will be quite easy to follow. The cache is placed in an obvious spot at Bird Cave as letter boxes are well known on Ascension and nobody disturbs them.

It is a fairly short walk to the cache from where the road ends, but as there is no shade on this walk, be sure to take sufficient water.

Additional Hints (No hints available.)