TRL Caching Through The Snow Event Cache
Team Rampant Lion: Event complete. Everyone's log appear to be entered.
TRL Caching Through The Snow
Saturday, 04 December 2004
Size:  (other)
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Let's get together for a little holiday celebration. The coordinates above will lead you to a Weihnachtsmarket (German Christmas Market). Hold the date - Saturday, December 4th.
The TRL Caching Through The Snow Event will be held Saturday, December 4th and will begin at 5:30 PM at Kroghs Brewpub in Sparta, NJ for a bit of a holiday celebration and get together.
If you are interested in making a day of it, a fun pre-event competition will be held at Station Park in Sparta. Meet at N41 02.870; W074 37.493 at 1:00 PM for the fun. Check the NE Forum discussion thread for details on the competition.
The Weihnachtsmarket (German Christmas Market) will run from 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM. This features the sights, sounds and smells of an authentic German Christmas Market. It will be located on the historic Lake Mohawk Boardwalk. Plan to get there by 4:00 PM if you want to walk through.
The last two years this event was hit by a major snowstorm. Hopefully, there will be a little so the event can live up to it's name.
I hope you can participate. Leave a note if you can so I can ensure we get a table big enough.
Happy Holidays!!
Team Rampant Lion
Additional Hints
23 Juvgr Qrre Cynmn, Fcnegn, AW 07871