Krasna vyhlidka (The Nice View) Traditional Cache
Krasna vyhlidka (The Nice View)
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Cache "Krasna vyhlidka" je umistena v malem lesiku na kopci Haje,
ktery nabizi krasny vyhled na panorama mesta Plzne.
Cache "The Nice View" is located on the hill Haje (in the small
spinney), where is a nice view on the Pilsen’s panorama.
Jednim z mala mist nabizejicich vyhled na panorama mesta Plzne je
kopec Haje nedaleko mestske casti Koterov. Geocache "Krasna
vyhlidka" je umistena v malem lesiku na vrcholu tohoto kopce.
Uvedene misto nabizi nejen krasny vyhled na mesto Plzen (nejlepe ze
strechy vojenskeho bunkru na 49°43'13.9"N, 13°26'17.3"E), ale z
protilehle strany tez vyhled na obec Letkov a nedaleke sportovni
Cestu k cachi lze zahajit napr. ze stanice trolejbusu c. 13
"Fialkova" nebo primo z Koterova, pricemz cesta lemovana stromy a
keri vedouci nahoru na kopec poskytuje krasny vyhled do
One of the few places where is a nice view on the Pilsen’s panorama
is a hill Haje near the Pilsen’s part Koterov. Geocache “The Nice
View” is located in the small spinney on the top of this hill. This
place offers not only nice view on the Pilsen’s panorama
(particularly from the roof of the military bunker on 49°43'13.9"N,
13°26'17.3"E), but also nice view to the village Letkov with the
small aerodrome.
IN: Magnet na lednici, karabinka Marlboro, Karneol
IN: Magnet to the refrigerator, snap-hook Marlboro,
Additional Hints
Pnpur (i xenovpv qb ZJ gebhol) wr hzvfgran cbq xzrarz ilienprarub cnermh cevxelgn yvfgvz n wruyvpvz.
Pnpur (va gur zvpebjnir obk) vf pbirerq ol yrnirf naq arrqyrf naq ybpngrq haqre gur gehax bs gur hcebbg gerr.